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Welcome to the Cat and Moose podcast.
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I'm Cat and I'm Moose.
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This is a true life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.
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Hey Cat, hey Moose, hey Sarah, sarah, sarah.
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Where are you, sarah?
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We do have to give Sarah some props from last week, that song that she wrote it was great Angels in the Unemployment Line.
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I mean, you gave her a little something and she just ran with it, didn't she?
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She did, she did.
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I was so impressed like I listened to it for the first time and I was like, how did she do that?
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And then I listened to it like three more times and I was like I still don't know how she did that and it was really, really cool angels in the unemployment line waiting on us to give them a sign they're here to protect, but we don't take the time Now.
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Angels are standing in the unemployment line.
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I love that.
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It was a country song too, yeah but that's what you teed up.
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You were like there's that sounds like a country song.
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Speaking of angels, can we just go straight to one of our listeners emails?
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I have it if you need to, yes, I have it I have it as well.
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Either one Great, no, I would love for you to read it because this was fascinating to me.
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There were several things I learned from this email.
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Okay, good Well.
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I, I really, really cherish this person a lot.
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This is one of my instructors from school.
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She's a regular listener and I just I love her perspective on things.
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She says hello friends, I like listening to you on the weekends while cooking Today's recipe peach blueberry cobbler with almond biscuits.
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I mean, holy moly, that sounds good.
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It sounds like she's British Like who makes peach?
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blueberry cobbler with almond biscuits.
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Well, really awesome listeners who are also really awesome people.
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I would love to try those.
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Yes, if you would like to share?
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Yes, If you would like to share those with us.
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You know who you are and your name is so close to Moose's name that it's a little bit spooky.
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Okay, anyway, we used to have a trance channel that would come to our massage school.
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She channeled a group of archangels who collectively called themselves Alicia.
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Does this remind you of someone else, moose?
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Yes, it does.
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Yes, yes, it did me too.
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I was like, oh, alicia and Bashir, they should get married.
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Okay, they enjoyed educating us about angels.
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Yes, everyone has two angels through all lifetimes.
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Same posse of angels.
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Some have a group, like my nonverbal daughter.
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One is behind your left shoulder and can help with emotional problems, like blending their energy with yours to calm you.
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That's so cool, right.
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The other, behind your right shoulder, works more with the physical realm, like getting a front row parking space when you're running late.
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Here's the kicker they do not interfere unless they are asked.
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I mean, that is what I want you to keep reading, but that is what gets me is, I did not know Like the subject of her email is angels have to be invited.
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Yes, and I never.
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I did not know that.
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Well, I remember one of my best friends who taught me a lot about Jesus in college.
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She always talked to me about how the Holy Spirit is a gentleman.
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Oh yeah, I've heard people say that and I really appreciate that.
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I actually view the Holy Spirit more like a woman, a gentle woman.
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But that's beside the point.
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The Holy Spirit is not like pushy, you know.
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It's like.
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It's kind of like.
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I think of it when I think of trauma, informed language.
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It's invitational, like these angels are.
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They need to be invited.
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So, kat, a fun exercise, if you wish, might be to invite your angels and the client's angels to assist during the next few sessions.
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Set the intention that the massage would be for the highest good of you and the client and see what happens.
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I did this during a Reiki class I was assisting.
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I asked the instructor about inviting angels and she looked at me funny and shrugged.
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Sure, during the attunements, when students all had their eyes closed, several felt a presence around them and opened their eyes.
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No one there.
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Several felt a presence around them and opened their eyes no one there.
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The instructor asked me not to do that anymore oh, listen, I I understand being the most woo-woo in the space, so I am with you, girl.
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I am with you, yes another thing.
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There are levels of angels who can become physical temporarily to help without our asking.
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Like saving someone from a fall from a building, puts them down gently and disappears around the corner.
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What, yeah?
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Or save someone after a car wreck and vanishes.
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It is as hard, according to alicia, for them to become physical as it is for us to become invisible and, according to her, the Maasai tribe can do it.
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Another rabbit hole to go down.
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Headed back to my biscuits and finishing your episode, just had to say hi.
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I just want to say a big thank you for sending that in, because there's a lot to unpack here yes, including the biscuits.
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Um, I have heard of the Messiah, I think.
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Um, I know that this person has heard of Bashar, so it makes me happy.
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We have found our people yes.
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Bashar has spoken about the Messiah.
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I mean, I feel like we have become like Joe Rogan overnight, uh, as far as conspiracy theories and stuff, um, but I love what she describes here because I had, uh I've had, encounters like she's talked about.
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The one that she said, and she did say at one point, I may have these backwards, but the one she describes is behind your right shoulder works more in a physical realm.
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No, sorry, the emotional problems blending their energy to calm you.
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One time I was in London at this charismatic conference Don't ask Codependency, that's all.
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Somehow I and uh, all of these people around me were, uh, doing what they might call giving high praise to the Lord, which just simply means going bat shit crazy, like standing on chairs, and I would not stand on a chair and I was the only one not standing on a chair, and I'm not going to do anything that I don't feel is very authentic to me, right, or that's me in my best state, and I am not going to perform.
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That's one thing you won't get from me and I, just I, I almost felt angry in that moment, like I remember thinking, like I feel so much pressure to do something that I'm not comfortable doing.
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And I was having this real dissonance, I was having this pain in my back and I was like, what is this?
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And no kidding, I felt a hand on my back and, uh, to this day I don't know what that is, but it literally took away the anxiety and the physical pain that I was having.
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So, uh, and I've also heard what she said that it takes a lot of energy for them to come into the physical realm, as it would us to be able to go into that, their realm, and I've learned that that's like different levels of because they're at such a high frequency compared to where we are on Earth.
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Yeah, I mean that's that's really neat.
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And I think it's really neat.
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I remember you telling me about the hand on your back thing.
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Like I remember that story from a long time ago and and it just kind of makes me wonder you talking about there being like a dissonance with what was going on and what was quote unquote expected of you in that moment and what you were and were not willing to do.
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Yeah, it makes me kind of wonder was that hand representative of your highest self?
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Oh yes, I mean, that feels very possible and very true, honestly.
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Like was that hand going?
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Thank you for listening to your body.
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Thank you for not acquiescing to this you know, like, okay, so let me go a step further, okay.
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Later the pastor was like prophesying over people in the separate session and I stepped out of the room because I was so uncomfortable with what was happening.
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And again, it's not that I don't believe that people have the spirit none of that, trust me but for me it was becoming too much and I am a very sensitive person, and so I went to the bathroom.
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When I came back in, I stood in the back and no joke.
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I knew that this pastor was going to go from the very front of the church to find me.
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It happens all the time.
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Where the light is brighter, the bugs are bigger.
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And this guy came and went to put his hands on my neck and I said no, and I put my hand out and I said no, and I think he was very surprised, but I just I was like I don't need you to put your hands on my body, like that's exactly how I felt.
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So, to your point, I think, yes, that was my authentic self, simply saying I'm not comfortable with what you're dishing out right now.
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Yeah, and that's okay.
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Yeah, it is okay, and I just want to celebrate that.
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Like I have a friend who is so good at that that it seems effortless for her.
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Yeah, like, if she's not okay with something, you're going to know it, and I'm not always that way and I'm not that way either.
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I would rather keep the peace most of the time, but there is a line you hit where you're like.
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Why am I allowing that?
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I mean, we all have those lines where you're like, right.
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I'm not comfortable with this.
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Why am I not speaking up?
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Right, right, and I just think it's been really neat to have for me, like people in my life who don't seem to have as hard of a time with that as I do, because I'm going like, well, how, how are you able to do that so easily?
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And it's like, well, really, the only difference other than training oneself to be this way, if you're not naturally this way, the only difference is just being willing to do it.
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Yeah, because you know what Everybody around you is fine.
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Does it make it awkward for a moment?
00:10:54.879 --> 00:10:55.842
Maybe, maybe.
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Does it make somebody feel like I did something wrong?
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Maybe, but is that any worse than you feeling terrible, right, and my question to you.
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I want to tell you what I think the answer is, but I am not going to.
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I would like for you to have your own agency and your own autonomy.
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Why are you afraid to do that?
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Because, um, I'm curious if our answers are the same.
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I'm curious if our answers are the same.
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Um, I, I'm, as we all know, I'm very relational.
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I'm very I really enjoy people, I care about people.
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I, I want people to um, have the space to be their most authentic and wonderful and beautiful self, and so that is all very like other facing.
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That's not me facing, yeah, so so to me it's like.
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My initial answer is it's like well, because I want other people to be comfortable.
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But the more I think about it, I really want other people to be more comfortable, because then I feel like I can be more comfortable more comfortable, because then I feel like I can be more comfortable.
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Oh interesting, can you give me a scenario?
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Like you don't have to give specifics, but like this is what that could look like.
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Okay, I go into a classroom setting where I'm going to go take a class and there's a handful of seats available and a handful of seats taken in the seat that I would really much prefer to be in.
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Doesn't really work for me.
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Like it did, like you know, it's like there's somebody there, whatever, whatever, and so I will just like immediately go like you're fine, sit over there, it's going to work out great.
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Like it's going to work out fine.
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And some would say, like, well, that's a complete denial of self, that's not taking care of yourself, and it's like, well, does it really matter where I sit, you know?
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And so like to me, it's like I think, like I'm gonna make the whole room more comfortable your face.
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Even I know that.
00:13:05.725 --> 00:13:13.177
Like, yeah, like, why doesn't everyone understand that you are making them more comfortable?
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right, yeah, yeah, and it's like, well, is that really for them, or is that for me?
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well, I think it's also like a social response that we always talk about too, because mine is very similar.
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When I find myself doing that, where I'm like denying myself whatever it is that maybe I want, or if somebody asks if I have a preference, often I'll be like I'm open, I really can do anything similar, like I know what it's like to see people be the problem child and I don't want to be the problem child.
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Yeah me either.
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And I'm also in a very efficient person.
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So like I don't want to have a 30 minute conversation about where we're having dinner or lunch, or a meeting.
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I just want, let's make a decision and let's do the thing yeah.
00:14:03.625 --> 00:14:04.086
Yeah, yeah.
00:14:05.035 --> 00:14:06.138
But I?
00:14:06.138 --> 00:14:10.625
It is hard for me to share my preferences.
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Often I mean, I have them, I know what they are, that's the thing.
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Some people don't know what their preferences are.
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Right, I just am like I I'd rather us wrap this thing up.
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Right, right, and I think that like I have them preferences, that is, I think they are so sometimes very inaccessible Because I just I choose to to go like, in the grand scheme of all the things, I don't care if we eat at McDonald's or Burger King, like I don't, like I really don't care.
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I'm more concerned that those are your two options.
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I knew when it came out of my mouth I was like well, both of these are bad ideas.
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I was gonna say I know you eat better than that.
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Yeah for sure.
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Okay, back to the angels.
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Have you encountered an angel?
00:15:04.081 --> 00:15:06.764
I, yes.
00:15:06.764 --> 00:15:08.986
Are you going to tell us about it?
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I will, if you would like to hear about it.
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My preference is for you to tell me about this.
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So I got to be a part of a really cool thing called the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia yeah, it was Philadelphia, I think.
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And then we also went to New York City and this is several, several years ago, way pre-COVID, and I met a gentleman who was a part of how we got to do this whole event, who wrote me a story and put it in an envelope and gave it to me to read later and I was like that's kind of different.
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Different, like what in the world is this?
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And his story, um, was basically like when you see a feather, know that your guardian angel is nearby.
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And I remember his story and how he arrived there and how that became his truth was so impactful to me that I thought you know what, next time I see a feather, I'm going to assume that that is a signal that my, my guardian angel is nearby.
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And that night I got on the tour bus to, you know, to leave the city and go to the next thing and one of my business cards fell out of my purse and my logo for my business at the time was a feather.
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Oh yeah, whoa.
00:16:27.927 --> 00:16:33.484
And so I was like could this be that literal, like could this be that on point?
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And so ever since then I just kind of felt like that's legit.
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Like that's legit when I come across a feather, I'm just going to take that as a signal that my guardian angel and now that I know that I have two, it's like I'm going to take that as a signal that my guardian angel and now that I know that I have two, it's like I'm going to take that as a signal that they are around.
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And like the other day I went and took the trash out and right by my trash can there was a pigeon feather and I was just like really yeah.
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And I was like I don't, I don't know why I need my guardian angels right now taking the trash out and I welcome you, like I'm very glad that you're here.
00:17:06.550 --> 00:17:12.682
So, yes, those are, those are what I consider um experiences with angels.
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I have not physically seen an angelic looking, being like looking after me or taking care of me or whatever.
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How about you?
00:17:22.125 --> 00:17:36.606
well, recently I this must have been the summer I uh went with a friend to what I found online was called a kite festival and I thought how cool would that be just to sit in a park and watch these people flying these kites.
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Well, I get there and I've got both of my dogs, and there's not a person with a kite, there's a family reunion and something else.
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I have no idea.
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It was a beautifully hot day, and so I met my friend at the park and I asked her uh, will you walk one of the dogs, whatever?
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And so she's got a dog, I've got a dog and, um, it is 95 degrees cat in this park.
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This gentleman is walking and I'm not even kidding you, he looks like somebody who has one of those old school watches in his pocket.
00:18:18.339 --> 00:18:19.917
What are those called Pocket watch?
00:18:19.917 --> 00:18:22.526
How about that?
00:18:23.797 --> 00:18:24.219
Really smart.
00:18:24.795 --> 00:18:33.705
Pocket watch and he's basically in what a three piece suit would be without the jacket, but he's way too dressed up to be at this park.
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We're all wearing shorts and flip-flops, hot as can be.
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And you know my dogs, they go crazy anytime someone approaches them because they're crazy rescues.
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And no joke, kat, he's walking towards and I was like telling my friend Ruthie, I'm like hold him tight, hold him tight.
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You know both dogs sit down and let him come up to him, which they're afraid of, men.
00:19:00.659 --> 00:19:01.522
00:19:01.522 --> 00:19:04.865
And I am in shock by this.
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He tells us his name and says good morning and looks directly at me and I could have the chills right now thinking about it and I was like good morning.
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I was like they never act this good.
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They're both rescues and I'm like sorry, I'm kind of in awe that they're being so good and he was so kind to me and my friend.
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And then he walked off and then, as we were leaving, he looped around the other way.
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I didn't see him the whole time we were at the park.
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He looped around the other way and made another and said goodbye to us and both me and my friend were like that was so different.
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It wasn't like a creepy guy that was.
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It was so different that we both felt like he was an angelic being.
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I don't know, I can't relate it to anything good or bad that happened or anything like that, but it felt like that sort of encounter.
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I feel like I really want producer Sarah to fade in here.
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Entertaining angels by the light of my TV stream 24-7.
00:20:06.155 --> 00:20:07.182
Do you remember that news voice?
00:20:07.182 --> 00:20:08.310
Yes, yes, I'd change the screen 24-7.
00:20:08.310 --> 00:20:08.834
You remember that newsboy?
00:20:08.834 --> 00:20:16.307
Yeah, if you don't know what we're talking about, we have some trauma from working in a Christian music industry.
00:20:16.307 --> 00:20:17.518
We also have some joy.
00:20:17.678 --> 00:20:19.542
A lot of joy, like that song in particular.
00:20:19.542 --> 00:20:20.586
We have amazing careers.
00:20:20.946 --> 00:20:25.724
Yes, and that was a newsboy song from 90.
00:20:25.724 --> 00:20:27.067
Look it up, kat.
00:20:27.355 --> 00:20:27.717
What year?
00:20:27.717 --> 00:20:29.123
I bet it's 98 98.
00:20:29.123 --> 00:20:37.336
I bet it's 97 or 98 and I will say that it is one of my sister's favorite songs oh, really, yeah, you know, probably one of my sisters too.
00:20:37.676 --> 00:20:38.558
She was a huge fan.
00:20:38.558 --> 00:20:42.148
Um, okay, I want to just small commercial break here.
00:20:42.148 --> 00:20:49.259
Guys, the messiah people that our dear listener mentioned, just gonna give you a little nugget, because that's what we do, we like.
00:20:49.259 --> 00:20:50.214
This is from Wikipedia.
00:20:50.214 --> 00:20:59.269
The Maasai people are an ethnic group inhabiting northern, central and southern Kenya and northern Tanzania near the African Great Lakes region.
00:20:59.269 --> 00:21:01.638
Ok, they speak.
00:21:01.638 --> 00:21:03.644
I don't know.
00:21:03.644 --> 00:21:06.723
Yeah, this may not be the people she's talking about.
00:21:06.723 --> 00:21:08.141
So cut all of that, sarah.
00:21:08.141 --> 00:21:13.426
I really thought I was going to educate, but I'm like no, this isn't what this is.
00:21:13.426 --> 00:21:16.401
Okay, so we'll report back on the Maasai people.
00:21:16.942 --> 00:21:30.449
Yes, we will, because I will have to do a deep dive, like I have begun the very shallow tiptoes into the water of a deep dive about human design.
00:21:30.449 --> 00:21:32.330
Do you know about this?
00:21:32.875 --> 00:21:39.474
No, but I just picture, if this is the water here, you doing this with your toes into the water.
00:21:39.474 --> 00:21:41.117
Oh is it warm or is?
00:21:41.198 --> 00:21:51.025
it cold, I'm frolicking in the surface waters of what is called human design and I am literally frolicking for the first time.
00:21:51.025 --> 00:21:53.363
So I have almost nothing.
00:21:54.195 --> 00:22:01.401
We are not an educational podcast or a fact podcast and this thing called human design.