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Human Design and Zit Advice
Human Design and Zit Advice
Can angels really intervene in our lives, or do they need an invitation? We explore this intriguing question inspired by a listener’s tranc…
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Oct. 9, 2024

Human Design and Zit Advice

Human Design and Zit Advice

Can angels really intervene in our lives, or do they need an invitation? We explore this intriguing question inspired by a listener’s trance channeling experience. Alongside personal anecdotes of miraculous encounters, we reflect on the gentle presence of the Holy Spirit and the possibility of inviting angels into therapeutic spaces like massage or Reiki. This episode is woven with humor, wonder, and gratitude, especially for a listener who shared their delightful peach blueberry cobbler recipe, reinforcing the community spirit that defines our podcast.

Navigating the tension between comfort zones and authenticity can be challenging, especially when personal boundaries are at stake. Moose shares a revealing story from a church session that sparked a deeper conversation about the courage needed to assert personal boundaries and maintain one’s authenticity. Through stories of personal growth and self-care, we discuss the balance between wanting to make others comfortable and the need to prioritize our own boundaries, even if it means shaking up the status quo.

We also journey through the playful world of self-discovery tools like Human Design, comparing them to the familiar realms of astrology and personality tests. Sharing our personal experiences, we highlight the importance of letting go of societal pressures and embracing what truly brings us peace, even if it means redefining our dreams. From reminiscing about '90s Christian music to discussing the symbolic significance of feathers and guardian angels, our conversation is a tapestry of introspection, humor, and the quest for authentic living. Tune in for an episode filled with nostalgia, spiritual musings, and a celebration of the unexpected paths that lead us closer to our true selves.

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00:04 - Exploring Angels and Human Experience

08:50 - Navigating Comfort Zones and Authenticity

13:26 - Guardian Angels Among Us

19:59 - The Journey of Learning and Discovery

29:01 - Learning to Let Go


00:00:04.187 --> 00:00:06.051
Welcome to the Cat and Moose podcast.

00:00:06.051 --> 00:00:07.413
I'm Cat and I'm Moose.

00:00:09.176 --> 00:00:12.820
This is a true life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.

00:00:16.582 --> 00:00:22.106
Hey Cat, hey Moose, hey Sarah, sarah, sarah.

00:00:22.106 --> 00:00:23.746
Where are you, sarah?

00:00:27.208 --> 00:00:37.115
We do have to give Sarah some props from last week, that song that she wrote it was great Angels in the Unemployment Line.

00:00:37.115 --> 00:00:42.737
I mean, you gave her a little something and she just ran with it, didn't she?

00:00:43.078 --> 00:00:44.161
She did, she did.

00:00:44.161 --> 00:00:50.329
I was so impressed like I listened to it for the first time and I was like, how did she do that?

00:00:50.329 --> 00:01:12.721
And then I listened to it like three more times and I was like I still don't know how she did that and it was really, really cool angels in the unemployment line waiting on us to give them a sign they're here to protect, but we don't take the time Now.

00:01:12.740 --> 00:01:13.862
Angels are standing in the unemployment line.

00:01:13.862 --> 00:01:14.984
I love that.

00:01:14.984 --> 00:01:18.572
It was a country song too, yeah but that's what you teed up.

00:01:18.572 --> 00:01:25.299
You were like there's that sounds like a country song.

00:01:25.299 --> 00:01:29.245
Speaking of angels, can we just go straight to one of our listeners emails?

00:01:29.265 --> 00:01:31.430
I have it if you need to, yes, I have it I have it as well.

00:01:31.609 --> 00:01:37.230
Either one Great, no, I would love for you to read it because this was fascinating to me.

00:01:37.230 --> 00:01:39.861
There were several things I learned from this email.

00:01:39.861 --> 00:01:40.984
Okay, good Well.

00:01:41.064 --> 00:01:44.430
I, I really, really cherish this person a lot.

00:01:44.430 --> 00:01:46.120
This is one of my instructors from school.

00:01:46.120 --> 00:01:51.712
She's a regular listener and I just I love her perspective on things.

00:01:51.712 --> 00:02:00.225
She says hello friends, I like listening to you on the weekends while cooking Today's recipe peach blueberry cobbler with almond biscuits.

00:02:00.225 --> 00:02:02.772
I mean, holy moly, that sounds good.

00:02:02.772 --> 00:02:05.885
It sounds like she's British Like who makes peach?

00:02:06.427 --> 00:02:08.592
blueberry cobbler with almond biscuits.

00:02:08.919 --> 00:02:14.073
Well, really awesome listeners who are also really awesome people.

00:02:14.560 --> 00:02:15.723
I would love to try those.

00:02:15.723 --> 00:02:17.109
Yes, if you would like to share?

00:02:17.128 --> 00:02:19.004
Yes, If you would like to share those with us.

00:02:19.004 --> 00:02:24.921
You know who you are and your name is so close to Moose's name that it's a little bit spooky.

00:02:24.921 --> 00:02:31.104
Okay, anyway, we used to have a trance channel that would come to our massage school.

00:02:31.104 --> 00:02:35.907
She channeled a group of archangels who collectively called themselves Alicia.

00:02:35.907 --> 00:02:38.147
Does this remind you of someone else, moose?

00:02:38.147 --> 00:02:39.527
Yes, it does.

00:02:39.527 --> 00:02:41.088
Yes, yes, it did me too.

00:02:41.088 --> 00:02:43.270
I was like, oh, alicia and Bashir, they should get married.

00:02:43.270 --> 00:02:47.311
Okay, they enjoyed educating us about angels.

00:02:47.311 --> 00:02:51.312
Yes, everyone has two angels through all lifetimes.

00:02:51.312 --> 00:02:53.433
Same posse of angels.

00:02:53.433 --> 00:02:56.555
Some have a group, like my nonverbal daughter.

00:02:56.555 --> 00:03:03.518
One is behind your left shoulder and can help with emotional problems, like blending their energy with yours to calm you.

00:03:03.518 --> 00:03:07.820
That's so cool, right.

00:03:07.820 --> 00:03:14.100
The other, behind your right shoulder, works more with the physical realm, like getting a front row parking space when you're running late.

00:03:14.100 --> 00:03:19.731
Here's the kicker they do not interfere unless they are asked.

00:03:20.554 --> 00:03:30.909
I mean, that is what I want you to keep reading, but that is what gets me is, I did not know Like the subject of her email is angels have to be invited.

00:03:30.909 --> 00:03:32.342
Yes, and I never.

00:03:32.342 --> 00:03:34.188
I did not know that.

00:03:34.460 --> 00:03:40.473
Well, I remember one of my best friends who taught me a lot about Jesus in college.

00:03:40.473 --> 00:03:45.750
She always talked to me about how the Holy Spirit is a gentleman.

00:03:45.750 --> 00:03:50.426
Oh yeah, I've heard people say that and I really appreciate that.

00:03:50.426 --> 00:03:54.151
I actually view the Holy Spirit more like a woman, a gentle woman.

00:03:54.151 --> 00:03:55.605
But that's beside the point.

00:03:55.605 --> 00:04:00.668
The Holy Spirit is not like pushy, you know.

00:04:00.668 --> 00:04:01.288
It's like.

00:04:01.288 --> 00:04:02.771
It's kind of like.

00:04:03.653 --> 00:04:06.287
I think of it when I think of trauma, informed language.

00:04:06.287 --> 00:04:09.025
It's invitational, like these angels are.

00:04:09.025 --> 00:04:10.850
They need to be invited.

00:04:10.850 --> 00:04:19.894
So, kat, a fun exercise, if you wish, might be to invite your angels and the client's angels to assist during the next few sessions.

00:04:19.894 --> 00:04:27.442
Set the intention that the massage would be for the highest good of you and the client and see what happens.

00:04:27.442 --> 00:04:30.752
I did this during a Reiki class I was assisting.

00:04:30.752 --> 00:04:35.267
I asked the instructor about inviting angels and she looked at me funny and shrugged.

00:04:35.267 --> 00:04:43.490
Sure, during the attunements, when students all had their eyes closed, several felt a presence around them and opened their eyes.

00:04:43.490 --> 00:04:44.653
No one there.

00:04:44.653 --> 00:04:48.194
Several felt a presence around them and opened their eyes no one there.

00:04:48.105 --> 00:04:59.377
The instructor asked me not to do that anymore oh, listen, I I understand being the most woo-woo in the space, so I am with you, girl.

00:04:59.377 --> 00:05:01.925
I am with you, yes another thing.

00:05:01.985 --> 00:05:07.543
There are levels of angels who can become physical temporarily to help without our asking.

00:05:07.543 --> 00:05:13.201
Like saving someone from a fall from a building, puts them down gently and disappears around the corner.

00:05:13.201 --> 00:05:15.406
What, yeah?

00:05:15.406 --> 00:05:19.115
Or save someone after a car wreck and vanishes.

00:05:19.115 --> 00:05:30.067
It is as hard, according to alicia, for them to become physical as it is for us to become invisible and, according to her, the Maasai tribe can do it.

00:05:30.067 --> 00:05:32.252
Another rabbit hole to go down.

00:05:32.252 --> 00:05:36.627
Headed back to my biscuits and finishing your episode, just had to say hi.

00:05:38.290 --> 00:05:44.790
I just want to say a big thank you for sending that in, because there's a lot to unpack here yes, including the biscuits.

00:05:44.790 --> 00:05:48.764
Um, I have heard of the Messiah, I think.

00:05:48.764 --> 00:05:54.060
Um, I know that this person has heard of Bashar, so it makes me happy.

00:05:54.060 --> 00:05:55.603
We have found our people yes.

00:05:56.766 --> 00:05:58.951
Bashar has spoken about the Messiah.

00:05:58.951 --> 00:06:16.560
I mean, I feel like we have become like Joe Rogan overnight, uh, as far as conspiracy theories and stuff, um, but I love what she describes here because I had, uh I've had, encounters like she's talked about.

00:06:16.560 --> 00:06:25.247
The one that she said, and she did say at one point, I may have these backwards, but the one she describes is behind your right shoulder works more in a physical realm.

00:06:25.247 --> 00:06:28.934
No, sorry, the emotional problems blending their energy to calm you.

00:06:28.934 --> 00:06:40.642
One time I was in London at this charismatic conference Don't ask Codependency, that's all.

00:06:41.927 --> 00:07:08.730
Somehow I and uh, all of these people around me were, uh, doing what they might call giving high praise to the Lord, which just simply means going bat shit crazy, like standing on chairs, and I would not stand on a chair and I was the only one not standing on a chair, and I'm not going to do anything that I don't feel is very authentic to me, right, or that's me in my best state, and I am not going to perform.

00:07:08.730 --> 00:07:19.576
That's one thing you won't get from me and I, just I, I almost felt angry in that moment, like I remember thinking, like I feel so much pressure to do something that I'm not comfortable doing.

00:07:19.737 --> 00:07:25.351
And I was having this real dissonance, I was having this pain in my back and I was like, what is this?

00:07:25.351 --> 00:07:38.831
And no kidding, I felt a hand on my back and, uh, to this day I don't know what that is, but it literally took away the anxiety and the physical pain that I was having.

00:07:38.831 --> 00:07:56.374
So, uh, and I've also heard what she said that it takes a lot of energy for them to come into the physical realm, as it would us to be able to go into that, their realm, and I've learned that that's like different levels of because they're at such a high frequency compared to where we are on Earth.

00:07:56.459 --> 00:08:00.791
Yeah, I mean that's that's really neat.

00:08:00.791 --> 00:08:02.182
And I think it's really neat.

00:08:02.182 --> 00:08:05.326
I remember you telling me about the hand on your back thing.

00:08:05.326 --> 00:08:22.413
Like I remember that story from a long time ago and and it just kind of makes me wonder you talking about there being like a dissonance with what was going on and what was quote unquote expected of you in that moment and what you were and were not willing to do.

00:08:22.413 --> 00:08:28.567
Yeah, it makes me kind of wonder was that hand representative of your highest self?

00:08:29.711 --> 00:08:35.283
Oh yes, I mean, that feels very possible and very true, honestly.

00:08:35.323 --> 00:08:36.986
Like was that hand going?

00:08:36.986 --> 00:08:39.874
Thank you for listening to your body.

00:08:40.421 --> 00:08:48.514
Thank you for not acquiescing to this you know, like, okay, so let me go a step further, okay.

00:08:48.514 --> 00:08:59.629
Later the pastor was like prophesying over people in the separate session and I stepped out of the room because I was so uncomfortable with what was happening.

00:08:59.629 --> 00:09:10.066
And again, it's not that I don't believe that people have the spirit none of that, trust me but for me it was becoming too much and I am a very sensitive person, and so I went to the bathroom.

00:09:10.066 --> 00:09:13.413
When I came back in, I stood in the back and no joke.

00:09:13.413 --> 00:09:17.207
I knew that this pastor was going to go from the very front of the church to find me.

00:09:17.207 --> 00:09:19.065
It happens all the time.

00:09:19.065 --> 00:09:21.291
Where the light is brighter, the bugs are bigger.

00:09:28.182 --> 00:09:39.785
And this guy came and went to put his hands on my neck and I said no, and I put my hand out and I said no, and I think he was very surprised, but I just I was like I don't need you to put your hands on my body, like that's exactly how I felt.

00:09:39.785 --> 00:09:49.283
So, to your point, I think, yes, that was my authentic self, simply saying I'm not comfortable with what you're dishing out right now.

00:09:49.985 --> 00:09:50.888
Yeah, and that's okay.

00:09:50.888 --> 00:09:53.902
Yeah, it is okay, and I just want to celebrate that.

00:09:53.902 --> 00:09:59.854
Like I have a friend who is so good at that that it seems effortless for her.

00:09:59.854 --> 00:10:07.812
Yeah, like, if she's not okay with something, you're going to know it, and I'm not always that way and I'm not that way either.

00:10:07.871 --> 00:10:14.066
I would rather keep the peace most of the time, but there is a line you hit where you're like.

00:10:14.066 --> 00:10:16.149
Why am I allowing that?

00:10:16.149 --> 00:10:18.673
I mean, we all have those lines where you're like, right.

00:10:18.673 --> 00:10:20.182
I'm not comfortable with this.

00:10:20.182 --> 00:10:21.703
Why am I not speaking up?

00:10:21.945 --> 00:10:37.365
Right, right, and I just think it's been really neat to have for me, like people in my life who don't seem to have as hard of a time with that as I do, because I'm going like, well, how, how are you able to do that so easily?

00:10:37.365 --> 00:10:49.557
And it's like, well, really, the only difference other than training oneself to be this way, if you're not naturally this way, the only difference is just being willing to do it.

00:10:49.557 --> 00:10:53.226
Yeah, because you know what Everybody around you is fine.

00:10:53.226 --> 00:10:54.879
Does it make it awkward for a moment?

00:10:54.879 --> 00:10:55.842
Maybe, maybe.

00:10:55.842 --> 00:10:59.034
Does it make somebody feel like I did something wrong?

00:10:59.034 --> 00:11:07.990
Maybe, but is that any worse than you feeling terrible, right, and my question to you.

00:11:08.932 --> 00:11:12.719
I want to tell you what I think the answer is, but I am not going to.

00:11:12.719 --> 00:11:18.109
I would like for you to have your own agency and your own autonomy.

00:11:18.109 --> 00:11:21.500
Why are you afraid to do that?

00:11:21.500 --> 00:11:25.448
Because, um, I'm curious if our answers are the same.

00:11:31.174 --> 00:11:32.317
I'm curious if our answers are the same.

00:11:32.317 --> 00:11:33.899
Um, I, I'm, as we all know, I'm very relational.

00:11:33.899 --> 00:11:35.380
I'm very I really enjoy people, I care about people.

00:11:35.380 --> 00:11:49.429
I, I want people to um, have the space to be their most authentic and wonderful and beautiful self, and so that is all very like other facing.

00:11:49.429 --> 00:11:54.144
That's not me facing, yeah, so so to me it's like.

00:11:54.144 --> 00:11:58.200
My initial answer is it's like well, because I want other people to be comfortable.

00:11:58.200 --> 00:12:11.859
But the more I think about it, I really want other people to be more comfortable, because then I feel like I can be more comfortable more comfortable, because then I feel like I can be more comfortable.

00:12:11.879 --> 00:12:12.741
Oh interesting, can you give me a scenario?

00:12:12.741 --> 00:12:15.556
Like you don't have to give specifics, but like this is what that could look like.

00:12:18.041 --> 00:12:31.245
Okay, I go into a classroom setting where I'm going to go take a class and there's a handful of seats available and a handful of seats taken in the seat that I would really much prefer to be in.

00:12:31.245 --> 00:12:33.308
Doesn't really work for me.

00:12:33.308 --> 00:12:44.735
Like it did, like you know, it's like there's somebody there, whatever, whatever, and so I will just like immediately go like you're fine, sit over there, it's going to work out great.

00:12:44.735 --> 00:12:46.181
Like it's going to work out fine.

00:12:46.181 --> 00:12:56.423
And some would say, like, well, that's a complete denial of self, that's not taking care of yourself, and it's like, well, does it really matter where I sit, you know?

00:12:56.423 --> 00:13:04.263
And so like to me, it's like I think, like I'm gonna make the whole room more comfortable your face.

00:13:04.462 --> 00:13:05.725
Even I know that.

00:13:05.725 --> 00:13:13.177
Like, yeah, like, why doesn't everyone understand that you are making them more comfortable?

00:13:13.437 --> 00:13:18.115
right, yeah, yeah, and it's like, well, is that really for them, or is that for me?

00:13:18.517 --> 00:13:25.937
well, I think it's also like a social response that we always talk about too, because mine is very similar.

00:13:25.937 --> 00:13:49.605
When I find myself doing that, where I'm like denying myself whatever it is that maybe I want, or if somebody asks if I have a preference, often I'll be like I'm open, I really can do anything similar, like I know what it's like to see people be the problem child and I don't want to be the problem child.

00:13:49.927 --> 00:13:50.587
Yeah me either.

00:13:51.076 --> 00:13:53.565
And I'm also in a very efficient person.

00:13:53.565 --> 00:14:00.355
So like I don't want to have a 30 minute conversation about where we're having dinner or lunch, or a meeting.

00:14:00.355 --> 00:14:03.504
I just want, let's make a decision and let's do the thing yeah.

00:14:03.625 --> 00:14:04.086
Yeah, yeah.

00:14:05.035 --> 00:14:06.138
But I?

00:14:06.138 --> 00:14:10.625
It is hard for me to share my preferences.

00:14:10.625 --> 00:14:15.527
Often I mean, I have them, I know what they are, that's the thing.

00:14:15.527 --> 00:14:17.654
Some people don't know what their preferences are.

00:14:17.654 --> 00:14:22.000
Right, I just am like I I'd rather us wrap this thing up.

00:14:22.981 --> 00:14:47.225
Right, right, and I think that like I have them preferences, that is, I think they are so sometimes very inaccessible Because I just I choose to to go like, in the grand scheme of all the things, I don't care if we eat at McDonald's or Burger King, like I don't, like I really don't care.

00:14:47.447 --> 00:14:50.760
I'm more concerned that those are your two options.

00:14:51.101 --> 00:14:54.837
I knew when it came out of my mouth I was like well, both of these are bad ideas.

00:14:54.937 --> 00:14:57.082
I was gonna say I know you eat better than that.

00:14:57.082 --> 00:14:57.923
Yeah for sure.

00:14:57.923 --> 00:15:00.495
Okay, back to the angels.

00:15:00.495 --> 00:15:03.200
Have you encountered an angel?

00:15:04.081 --> 00:15:06.764
I, yes.

00:15:06.764 --> 00:15:08.986
Are you going to tell us about it?

00:15:08.986 --> 00:15:11.410
I will, if you would like to hear about it.

00:15:14.615 --> 00:15:17.058
My preference is for you to tell me about this.

00:15:17.078 --> 00:15:25.799
So I got to be a part of a really cool thing called the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia yeah, it was Philadelphia, I think.

00:15:25.799 --> 00:15:44.581
And then we also went to New York City and this is several, several years ago, way pre-COVID, and I met a gentleman who was a part of how we got to do this whole event, who wrote me a story and put it in an envelope and gave it to me to read later and I was like that's kind of different.

00:15:44.581 --> 00:15:46.447
Different, like what in the world is this?

00:15:46.447 --> 00:15:54.726
And his story, um, was basically like when you see a feather, know that your guardian angel is nearby.

00:15:54.726 --> 00:16:12.000
And I remember his story and how he arrived there and how that became his truth was so impactful to me that I thought you know what, next time I see a feather, I'm going to assume that that is a signal that my, my guardian angel is nearby.

00:16:12.621 --> 00:16:25.322
And that night I got on the tour bus to, you know, to leave the city and go to the next thing and one of my business cards fell out of my purse and my logo for my business at the time was a feather.

00:16:25.322 --> 00:16:27.927
Oh yeah, whoa.

00:16:27.927 --> 00:16:33.484
And so I was like could this be that literal, like could this be that on point?

00:16:33.484 --> 00:16:38.591
And so ever since then I just kind of felt like that's legit.

00:16:38.591 --> 00:16:53.298
Like that's legit when I come across a feather, I'm just going to take that as a signal that my guardian angel and now that I know that I have two, it's like I'm going to take that as a signal that my guardian angel and now that I know that I have two, it's like I'm going to take that as a signal that they are around.

00:16:53.318 --> 00:16:58.316
And like the other day I went and took the trash out and right by my trash can there was a pigeon feather and I was just like really yeah.

00:16:58.316 --> 00:17:06.550
And I was like I don't, I don't know why I need my guardian angels right now taking the trash out and I welcome you, like I'm very glad that you're here.

00:17:06.550 --> 00:17:12.682
So, yes, those are, those are what I consider um experiences with angels.

00:17:12.682 --> 00:17:20.923
I have not physically seen an angelic looking, being like looking after me or taking care of me or whatever.

00:17:20.923 --> 00:17:21.723
How about you?

00:17:22.125 --> 00:17:36.606
well, recently I this must have been the summer I uh went with a friend to what I found online was called a kite festival and I thought how cool would that be just to sit in a park and watch these people flying these kites.

00:17:36.606 --> 00:17:46.303
Well, I get there and I've got both of my dogs, and there's not a person with a kite, there's a family reunion and something else.

00:17:46.303 --> 00:17:47.185
I have no idea.

00:17:47.185 --> 00:17:57.976
It was a beautifully hot day, and so I met my friend at the park and I asked her uh, will you walk one of the dogs, whatever?

00:17:57.976 --> 00:18:04.986
And so she's got a dog, I've got a dog and, um, it is 95 degrees cat in this park.

00:18:04.986 --> 00:18:18.339
This gentleman is walking and I'm not even kidding you, he looks like somebody who has one of those old school watches in his pocket.

00:18:18.339 --> 00:18:19.917
What are those called Pocket watch?

00:18:19.917 --> 00:18:22.526
How about that?

00:18:23.797 --> 00:18:24.219
Really smart.

00:18:24.795 --> 00:18:33.705
Pocket watch and he's basically in what a three piece suit would be without the jacket, but he's way too dressed up to be at this park.

00:18:34.035 --> 00:18:36.723
We're all wearing shorts and flip-flops, hot as can be.

00:18:36.723 --> 00:18:44.606
And you know my dogs, they go crazy anytime someone approaches them because they're crazy rescues.

00:18:44.606 --> 00:18:52.962
And no joke, kat, he's walking towards and I was like telling my friend Ruthie, I'm like hold him tight, hold him tight.

00:18:52.962 --> 00:19:00.659
You know both dogs sit down and let him come up to him, which they're afraid of, men.

00:19:00.659 --> 00:19:01.522

00:19:01.522 --> 00:19:04.865
And I am in shock by this.

00:19:04.865 --> 00:19:14.246
He tells us his name and says good morning and looks directly at me and I could have the chills right now thinking about it and I was like good morning.

00:19:14.266 --> 00:19:15.919
I was like they never act this good.

00:19:15.919 --> 00:19:22.740
They're both rescues and I'm like sorry, I'm kind of in awe that they're being so good and he was so kind to me and my friend.

00:19:22.740 --> 00:19:27.729
And then he walked off and then, as we were leaving, he looped around the other way.

00:19:27.729 --> 00:19:29.657
I didn't see him the whole time we were at the park.

00:19:29.657 --> 00:19:38.726
He looped around the other way and made another and said goodbye to us and both me and my friend were like that was so different.

00:19:38.726 --> 00:19:41.455
It wasn't like a creepy guy that was.

00:19:41.455 --> 00:19:45.862
It was so different that we both felt like he was an angelic being.

00:19:45.862 --> 00:19:53.563
I don't know, I can't relate it to anything good or bad that happened or anything like that, but it felt like that sort of encounter.

00:19:54.315 --> 00:19:58.547
I feel like I really want producer Sarah to fade in here.

00:19:58.547 --> 00:20:05.648
Entertaining angels by the light of my TV stream 24-7.

00:20:06.155 --> 00:20:07.182
Do you remember that news voice?

00:20:07.182 --> 00:20:08.310
Yes, yes, I'd change the screen 24-7.

00:20:08.310 --> 00:20:08.834
You remember that newsboy?

00:20:08.834 --> 00:20:16.307
Yeah, if you don't know what we're talking about, we have some trauma from working in a Christian music industry.

00:20:16.307 --> 00:20:17.518
We also have some joy.

00:20:17.678 --> 00:20:19.542
A lot of joy, like that song in particular.

00:20:19.542 --> 00:20:20.586
We have amazing careers.

00:20:20.946 --> 00:20:25.724
Yes, and that was a newsboy song from 90.

00:20:25.724 --> 00:20:27.067
Look it up, kat.

00:20:27.355 --> 00:20:27.717
What year?

00:20:27.717 --> 00:20:29.123
I bet it's 98 98.

00:20:29.123 --> 00:20:37.336
I bet it's 97 or 98 and I will say that it is one of my sister's favorite songs oh, really, yeah, you know, probably one of my sisters too.

00:20:37.676 --> 00:20:38.558
She was a huge fan.

00:20:38.558 --> 00:20:42.148
Um, okay, I want to just small commercial break here.

00:20:42.148 --> 00:20:49.259
Guys, the messiah people that our dear listener mentioned, just gonna give you a little nugget, because that's what we do, we like.

00:20:49.259 --> 00:20:50.214
This is from Wikipedia.

00:20:50.214 --> 00:20:59.269
The Maasai people are an ethnic group inhabiting northern, central and southern Kenya and northern Tanzania near the African Great Lakes region.

00:20:59.269 --> 00:21:01.638
Ok, they speak.

00:21:01.638 --> 00:21:03.644
I don't know.

00:21:03.644 --> 00:21:06.723
Yeah, this may not be the people she's talking about.

00:21:06.723 --> 00:21:08.141
So cut all of that, sarah.

00:21:08.141 --> 00:21:13.426
I really thought I was going to educate, but I'm like no, this isn't what this is.

00:21:13.426 --> 00:21:16.401
Okay, so we'll report back on the Maasai people.

00:21:16.942 --> 00:21:30.449
Yes, we will, because I will have to do a deep dive, like I have begun the very shallow tiptoes into the water of a deep dive about human design.

00:21:30.449 --> 00:21:32.330
Do you know about this?

00:21:32.875 --> 00:21:39.474
No, but I just picture, if this is the water here, you doing this with your toes into the water.

00:21:39.474 --> 00:21:41.117
Oh is it warm or is?

00:21:41.198 --> 00:21:51.025
it cold, I'm frolicking in the surface waters of what is called human design and I am literally frolicking for the first time.

00:21:51.025 --> 00:21:53.363
So I have almost nothing.

00:21:54.195 --> 00:22:01.401
We are not an educational podcast or a fact podcast and this thing called human design.

00:22:01.922 --> 00:22:11.682
You can put in your name, your birth date, your time of birth, your place of birth name, your birth date, your time of birth, your place of birth and much like when you get an astrology chart.

00:22:11.682 --> 00:22:16.836
From doing that, you get this thing that looks like one of my like acupressure posters.

00:22:16.836 --> 00:22:34.644
It's got like all these like different like points in the body and it's got like pathways and channels and stuff like that and it basically delineates you into one of five types of being like as a human.

00:22:34.644 --> 00:22:41.229
You're either a manifestor, a manifestor generator, a projector, et cetera, et cetera.

00:22:41.229 --> 00:22:53.044
And I was like I can't wait to tell Moose and producer Sarah about this because we have yet one more layer to add on top of all of our enneagram myers-briggs astrology.

00:22:53.044 --> 00:22:55.529
You know the whole nine yards.

00:22:55.609 --> 00:22:58.516
So human design, human.

00:22:58.516 --> 00:23:03.284
Okay, I'm looking, I I'm all wikipedia again, guys, so hoping this goes well.

00:23:03.284 --> 00:23:06.148
It's a pseudo scientific.

00:23:06.148 --> 00:23:16.568
I love anything that's pseudo scientific pseudo scientific new age practice, described as a holistic self-knowledge system.

00:23:16.568 --> 00:23:30.807
It combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching oh, I love the I Ching Judaic Kabbalah, judaic Kabbalah, vedic philosophy and modern physics.

00:23:30.807 --> 00:23:34.029
I mean, wow, right, isn't that?

00:23:34.089 --> 00:23:34.570
so neat?

00:23:34.570 --> 00:23:37.756
Oh, show us, this is mine.

00:23:39.376 --> 00:23:41.419
What in the world?

00:23:41.419 --> 00:23:43.582
This is cool, isn't that neat.

00:23:43.582 --> 00:23:46.124
You're a manifesting generator.

00:23:46.124 --> 00:23:47.125
What does that mean?

00:23:47.125 --> 00:23:48.165
I don't know yet.

00:23:48.165 --> 00:23:53.412
Oh, of course, your inner authority is your sacral, isn't that down in your junk?

00:23:53.491 --> 00:23:53.672

00:23:55.736 --> 00:23:59.185
Oh, I mean you could have seen Scorpio right there and put that down.

00:23:59.185 --> 00:24:01.663
Oh, I totally offended a Scorpio today.

00:24:01.663 --> 00:24:04.883
I thought I was okay, and I was like oh, hips forward.

00:24:04.883 --> 00:24:09.376
And they were like I wouldn't consider myself a hips forward gal.

00:24:09.376 --> 00:24:11.662
And I was like well, maybe you're not a Scorpio.

00:24:11.662 --> 00:24:13.988
Oh, they didn't actually say that.

00:24:13.988 --> 00:24:19.490
They, their face, said that I was going to say what, what actually happened.

00:24:20.112 --> 00:24:31.799
Yeah, I said that I was embarrassed and their face said wow, that was a lot, and I thought that was a lot and their face said wow, that was a lot, and I thought that was a lot, but that is who I am, is a lot.

00:24:31.799 --> 00:24:39.179
Well, you, I, I, I mean, I think that you identify yourself as a lot, um, but I don't think everyone experiences you as a lot.

00:24:39.179 --> 00:24:39.961
Okay, good.

00:24:40.801 --> 00:24:43.728
So okay, so human design you what it.

00:24:43.728 --> 00:24:48.042
It says here that you were a manifesting generator.

00:24:48.042 --> 00:24:49.826
Do we know what that is?

00:24:50.476 --> 00:24:57.476
yeah, I looked up some definitions earlier and, like I said, I have been frolicking in the shallow waters.

00:24:57.856 --> 00:25:00.461
That's fine we, you know what we are?

00:25:00.461 --> 00:25:02.265
A curiosity podcast.

00:25:02.265 --> 00:25:05.857
Yes, yes, and so we just give you little facts.

00:25:05.857 --> 00:25:09.768
It's really up to you, as the listener, to get the degree.

00:25:09.768 --> 00:25:13.705
Yes, yes, we're just teasing you with fun information.

00:25:14.256 --> 00:25:19.928
And, to be honest, it might just be that I'm being a manifesting generator by bringing this up.

00:25:19.928 --> 00:25:28.996
And then, you know, the projectors of the world can go and teach everybody about it and become wonderful leaders and educators and stuff like that.

00:25:29.156 --> 00:25:31.382
I must be a manifesting generator to that.

00:25:31.422 --> 00:25:36.101
Yeah, I, I have a feeling that you're a manifester, but I, you know, I don't know.

00:25:36.823 --> 00:25:37.984
I do love to manifest.

00:25:37.984 --> 00:25:42.480
Listen, you guys, we just have to call our angels in to manifest this stuff.

00:25:42.480 --> 00:25:47.047
I do believe that prayer and manifestation.

00:25:47.047 --> 00:25:49.830
I have heard we have talked about this.

00:25:49.830 --> 00:25:55.968
If you can visualize it in your brain, it is as good as you creating it.

00:25:55.968 --> 00:26:00.925
You just have to put the work in what I know that part's hard.

00:26:00.925 --> 00:26:04.159
What is it that you're learning right now in your life?

00:26:04.159 --> 00:26:05.971

00:26:05.991 --> 00:26:09.136
just rolled your eyes About what I'm learning in my life.

00:26:09.136 --> 00:26:11.577
I don't know if that's what the eye roll was for.

00:26:11.577 --> 00:26:17.516
It was Because learning is hard.

00:26:17.516 --> 00:26:24.796
It is hard, yes, and I'm like much like you.

00:26:24.796 --> 00:26:26.180
I'm a perpetual student.

00:26:26.180 --> 00:26:27.440
I love to be in classes.

00:26:27.440 --> 00:26:27.964
I love to be in classes.

00:26:27.964 --> 00:26:28.509
I love to be in school.

00:26:28.509 --> 00:26:30.016
I love to learn things.

00:26:30.016 --> 00:26:38.604
I have a harder time when the learning requires me to change my behavior.

00:26:39.905 --> 00:26:40.688
Me too.

00:26:40.688 --> 00:26:42.983
Yeah, yeah it's a whole thing.

00:26:43.327 --> 00:26:51.838
Yeah, I do this thing, and someone who pointed it out to me was so, so gracious in the way that they pointed it out is.

00:26:51.838 --> 00:26:53.991
They said, kat, you kind of do this for a living.

00:26:53.991 --> 00:27:01.232
So the fact that you did this, I'm not mad at you about it, because I think it's like second nature for your.

00:27:01.232 --> 00:27:03.817
I ended up telling this person it's second nature for me.

00:27:03.817 --> 00:27:06.363
And wait, you got to give us more details.

00:27:06.363 --> 00:27:14.332
I will, yeah, yeah, yeah, I will, I will.

00:27:14.332 --> 00:27:16.939
So, basically, um, I I kind of got somebody out of having to do something that I thought they didn't want to do.

00:27:16.959 --> 00:27:22.876
Yeah, natural instinct, I do this for my clients all the time, not my massage clients, but like my music clients.

00:27:22.876 --> 00:27:52.240
You know, it's like I have to decline a lot on their behalf, a lot, and it's not because they're bad people, it's because, like, based in all of the priorities in life and and all of that kind of stuff, it's like you just can't say yes to everything and so, um, so I just made an assumption I mean sort of educated assumption, but still an assumption like, hey, I'm just going to get this person out of this by, like going and taking care of it and just not even, and it made the person really uncomfortable.

00:27:53.372 --> 00:27:54.897
Oh, they didn't want you to.

00:27:54.897 --> 00:27:57.597
Oh, I've done this before.

00:27:57.597 --> 00:28:01.577
All of a sudden it just hit my funny bone and I was like, oh, that is painful.

00:28:01.911 --> 00:28:03.537
So what's, what's the funny bone?

00:28:03.537 --> 00:28:05.255
Feeling like how did that make you feel?

00:28:06.231 --> 00:28:07.263
Sick to my stomach.

00:28:07.263 --> 00:28:13.442
Yeah, this is the same as when my therapist said to me, what are you trying to do for this person?

00:28:13.442 --> 00:28:15.135
And I said I'm trying to protect them.

00:28:15.135 --> 00:28:18.809
Remember that and she goes what if they don't want to be protected?

00:28:18.809 --> 00:28:29.486
Amen, and I yes, I threw up, I shit my pants, I I was like, who doesn't want to be protected?

00:28:29.930 --> 00:29:00.683
Yeah, yeah, and, and so that's what I'm learning right now is that it's like just an awareness in my life of like, just because I think I'm doing you a favor, just because I think I'm, I'm doing something that is helpful to you, it's not, I don't immediately have permission to do that, and not only do I not have permission to do it, it might hurt you, it might offend you, like it might be a problem for me to intervene, and it's like, oh, my gosh like what a lesson right.

00:29:01.470 --> 00:29:05.953
Okay, so we've been talking about the change of season and things we're learning.

00:29:05.953 --> 00:29:13.460
You are describing letting things go, which is what we've been talking about.

00:29:13.460 --> 00:29:20.226
How lovely, and the one thing I have on my list here I'm learning to let things, let go of things.

00:29:20.705 --> 00:29:22.086
Really yeah.

00:29:23.430 --> 00:29:23.730
That is so cool.

00:29:23.730 --> 00:29:33.865
I mean, this is the season Like, yeah, you can let go of what you think anyone else might be needing, which is hard for an Enneagram too.

00:29:34.109 --> 00:29:37.661
Yes, yes, I think it's hard for most humans.

00:29:37.661 --> 00:29:45.362
Yeah, no, I agree, I mean there's there's some that it's like, actually I don't give a shit, like, but like, for most I think I think.

00:29:45.362 --> 00:29:47.770
Yeah, I think that's really hard, I do too.

00:29:47.770 --> 00:29:53.923
Um, can you give me an example of your, your lessons in, in learning to let go?

00:29:54.690 --> 00:30:05.622
Yeah, I am a perpetual student, as you said, and I also love a challenge as an Enneagram eight.

00:30:05.622 --> 00:30:16.083
Um, however, I just read somewhere I've never heard this before Don't let Enneagram eights get bored because they get into trouble.

00:30:16.083 --> 00:30:18.952
And so I.

00:30:18.952 --> 00:30:26.883
My kind of trouble as a 46 year old looks more like signing myself up for things that, uh, overcommit me.

00:30:26.883 --> 00:30:36.583
And so I let go of a, of a dream to go back to school and be a counselor and I finally let it.

00:30:36.722 --> 00:30:55.403
I let it into the, into the river and let it float away out of my sight, and made the decision that the path I'm on with podcasting and with coaching and my whole career doing radio promotion, that that's enough for right now.

00:30:55.403 --> 00:31:03.042
And so it was a really like ritualistic, um, kind of honoring process when I made that decision.

00:31:03.042 --> 00:31:23.076
And then I had immediate peace about it and I thought letting go of that was going to be like something I had to grieve, and it actually felt a lot like release because I was holding onto it so tightly, like I have to do this before I die, I have to get this degree before I die, and, um, I don't know like I just it.

00:31:23.076 --> 00:31:34.557
Literally, I can tell you it was like putting a little paper boat into the river and just letting it go wherever else it needed to go, but it wasn't meant to stay with me.

00:31:34.557 --> 00:31:35.819
Wow, wow.

00:31:35.990 --> 00:31:44.663
That's so beautiful and, as someone who loves you very dearly and has loved you for a very long time, that makes me so happy.

00:31:44.663 --> 00:31:52.732
Time that makes me so happy, like I love that.

00:31:52.732 --> 00:31:55.942
Like such an important letting go felt like letting a paper boat float down the river, like that makes me so happy for you.

00:31:55.942 --> 00:32:00.737
Congratulations on knowing what you needed to do and doing it.

00:32:00.817 --> 00:32:07.329
That's awesome yeah, and my old self that is so competitive and not even competitive.

00:32:07.329 --> 00:32:08.712
I wouldn't even call myself competitive.

00:32:08.712 --> 00:32:18.182
I hold myself to like high standards of like I want to achieve this, Like I do, like that, Um, my old self would have been like you know what.

00:32:18.182 --> 00:32:21.519
It's going to take a lot of time and there's going to, but you're going to get through.

00:32:21.519 --> 00:32:24.253
It's all about just surviving and getting through.

00:32:24.253 --> 00:32:32.951
You know, it's like this little kid that thinks she's in a war all the time and you're like you just need a nap, boo, you know, like you need a nap.

00:32:32.951 --> 00:32:38.463
And so, yeah, there was some sadness and letting that dream go, but I also.

00:32:38.463 --> 00:32:44.500
The piece was just so clear and so, um, I have a piece of advice for everyone.

00:32:45.080 --> 00:32:52.442
Uh, I just got off the phone with a friend who was changing jobs and it feels like a very scary thing for them, but also very exciting.

00:32:52.442 --> 00:33:01.112
And the thing they said is you know, I just have a lot of peace about it and that's something that we throw around a lot, but also, like follow the peace.

00:33:01.112 --> 00:33:14.422
You know, like the peace is where it's at, Like excitement comes and goes, but when you're like this feels really good, I'm in the flow, Like pay attention to what and who.

00:33:14.422 --> 00:33:22.067
That is because you know there's so many moments of our day that aren't necessarily that and I know we can't get rid of all the chaos.

00:33:22.067 --> 00:33:28.654
But like, if you're making a hard decision, like, look for the peace Cause, even if it is a hard decision, it might be the right one.

00:33:29.537 --> 00:33:50.613
And one thing that I've noticed is that a lot of times the peace, the feeling of peace, it has all these little minions around it who go not peace, not peace, not peace, you know, and it's like wait a minute, I thought I felt peace, but then I had all these little and I think those are like ego minions that are like not peace, you know, and it's like, wait a minute, I thought I felt peace, but then I had all these little and I think those are like ego minions that are like not okay, not okay, not okay.

00:33:50.613 --> 00:33:57.997
You must be a PhD and an MD and a CE and a blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, and it's like, oh my God, like where did the peace go?

00:33:57.997 --> 00:34:08.391
I thought I just had it Exactly.

00:34:08.431 --> 00:34:10.394
Like the voices and all the parts definitely come in.

00:34:10.394 --> 00:34:16.769
And one of the things I had to sit with myself on when I was making this decision is why is it so important for me to say that I have I'm an EDS and counseling?

00:34:16.769 --> 00:34:18.190
Why is that important for me?

00:34:18.190 --> 00:34:21.275
And I had to come to terms with.

00:34:21.275 --> 00:34:33.280
I am always looking for something to validate that I am enough, whether that's in a career, which this would be, or it's in my own personal life.

00:34:33.280 --> 00:34:39.559
I always think people have picked the wrong person, you know, and that's not me and my truest self.

00:34:39.559 --> 00:34:42.032
That's like all the little kid trauma stuff.

00:34:42.032 --> 00:34:49.684
But ultimately, like I think, well, if I have this degree, then everybody will come to me.

00:34:49.684 --> 00:34:51.277
And here's the reality.

00:34:51.277 --> 00:34:53.186
I don't really want anyone coming to me.

00:34:53.186 --> 00:34:54.931
I had to come to terms with that too.

00:34:54.931 --> 00:34:58.938
Like, oh, actually I love what I get to do.

00:34:58.938 --> 00:35:09.436
Um, anyway, there's lots and lots of reasons, but it did really hit me when it came down to like because this was true at one point doesn't mean it's always true.

00:35:09.757 --> 00:35:12.987
Yes, oh, lord, yes, isn't that the truth?

00:35:12.987 --> 00:35:17.340
Man, like Moose, you are dropping some serious wisdom this week.

00:35:17.340 --> 00:35:25.664
Thank you, I wanted to know if you could give me some girly advice.

00:35:26.751 --> 00:35:28.759
Oh, please tell me, I doubt it.

00:35:28.759 --> 00:35:30.132
Is it about how to curl your hair?

00:35:30.793 --> 00:35:32.938
Can you see, is that?

00:35:32.998 --> 00:35:33.440
a zit.

00:35:34.262 --> 00:35:34.762

00:35:34.762 --> 00:35:36.976
Oh, I'll tell you what the kids are doing?

00:35:36.976 --> 00:35:41.219
Okay, tell me what the kids are doing, because this hurts.

00:35:41.760 --> 00:35:44.378
Yeah Well, first of all, is it herpes?

00:35:44.378 --> 00:35:45.608
That is the first question.

00:35:45.750 --> 00:35:51.536
No, no, no, no, it is a full-on, it is a zit, it is not a cold sore, okay, no it's not a cold sore.

00:35:52.077 --> 00:35:56.173
I'm not shaming anyone with herpes at all, just needed to know what we're working with.

00:35:56.173 --> 00:36:34.990
Okay, so the first thing you need to do is go on to instacart, because I know you're not going to go to walgreens, but if you choose to go to Walgreens, they have these little tiny star things that the girls, and probably boys, maybe everyone puts on their zits, and now you'll see these podcasters in their thirties and forties and they just have stars all over their face, and so you make it like a whole fashion thing, and so you just need a little bright orange star on your lip like, and then it'd be like hey, girl, hey yeah, exactly, and if you could give like a little wink so they think you're super creepy.

00:36:35.913 --> 00:36:42.813
I don't think there's an age limit for the stars zit stickers watch me go on instacart and then be like are you 18 or younger?

00:36:42.813 --> 00:36:46.322
And I'm like no, and they're like you're canceled, like you're.

00:36:46.362 --> 00:36:57.456
You're embarrassing, you're an embarrassment to society it's like when, uh Gen Z said we know you're old if you don't part your hair in the middle.

00:36:57.456 --> 00:37:11.416
Oh, and I don't like I have a little bit of a side part and my hair won't part in the middle it literally has a cowlick and I was like, well, I'm just gonna embrace it yeah, yeah, you gotta embrace it.

00:37:11.436 --> 00:37:14.262
You have a great part thank you.

00:37:16.574 --> 00:37:19.056
Oh my god, that sounds dirty.

00:37:19.056 --> 00:37:21.561
Okay, uh, we gotta wrap this thing up.

00:37:21.561 --> 00:37:30.016
I do have one update on vera lydell um, the lunch lady who stole thousands and millions of chicken wings chicken wings.

00:37:30.016 --> 00:37:32.244
I dug a little deeper she's still in jail.

00:37:32.244 --> 00:37:33.309
We need to interview her.

00:37:33.309 --> 00:37:33.570

00:37:33.570 --> 00:37:40.791
I found out why she stole the chicken wings she has a gambling problem and she's really sorry she.

00:37:40.791 --> 00:37:45.041
She actually sold the chicken wings to fuel the gambling problem.

00:37:45.041 --> 00:37:56.097
So look, if you're on Facebook marketplace and you're still buying chicken wings that maybe she parceled out to different family members, you're as guilty as she is.

00:37:56.097 --> 00:37:58.983
So don't buy any chicken wings on Facebook marketplace.

00:37:59.710 --> 00:38:06.891
Good advice, man, because I was about to just hop off this podcast and go look at Facebook marketplace and get some chicken wings.

00:38:06.891 --> 00:38:08.815
I am so thankful for the warning.

00:38:09.396 --> 00:38:21.784
I will say this we do have a close friend who has introduced us to a lot of insane, like a cultural cuisine, who she has found on Facebook marketplace.

00:38:22.150 --> 00:38:24.034
Yeah, this is true, this is true.

00:38:24.715 --> 00:38:25.597
Like she found.

00:38:25.597 --> 00:38:29.012
Wasn't it Indian food that we came over and had one time?

00:38:29.012 --> 00:38:30.757
I was like I'm like eating it.

00:38:30.757 --> 00:38:31.800
And I was like where'd you get this?

00:38:31.800 --> 00:38:33.614
And she was like Facebook marketplace.

00:38:33.655 --> 00:38:45.219
Yes, yes, this, um, this woman who prepares Indian cuisine makes the best butter chicken that has ever been made in the entire world ever.

00:38:45.219 --> 00:38:49.472
And this lady lives almost equidistant between me and you moose.

00:38:49.472 --> 00:38:51.418
Oh really, I didn't know where she lived.

00:38:51.418 --> 00:39:02.052
Yeah, and she, she also offers cooking classes, so it's one of those things where like, oh yeah you tried to talk me into that and I was like nah, man, I yeah.

00:39:02.733 --> 00:39:17.380
I have been so lucky to not be kidnapped up to this point by me or just anybody anyone Like I watch a lot of true crime and like I am not going to someone else's house that I've met on Facebook marketplace, I'm not going to do it now.

00:39:17.380 --> 00:39:24.280
I clearly will eat food from someone that is on there, but you're like is this really chicken?

00:39:24.280 --> 00:39:26.244
So moral of the story?

00:39:26.244 --> 00:39:30.132
You're like is this really chicken?

00:39:30.172 --> 00:39:34.664
so moral of the story don't get chicken wings off a facebook marketplace, yes, but get butter chicken for sure, yeah for sure.

00:39:34.684 --> 00:39:38.893
Oh, one more thing we are praying for our friends in florida.

00:39:38.893 --> 00:39:42.900
Uh, as of right now, this will air on wednesday, october 9th.

00:39:42.900 --> 00:39:45.485
This will air on Wednesday, october 9th.

00:39:45.485 --> 00:39:50.418
Um, as of right now, hurricane Milton is a category five.

00:39:50.809 --> 00:39:53.476
We see Milton coming and.

00:39:53.516 --> 00:39:56.443
Milton is coming and he is a big boy.

00:39:56.871 --> 00:39:58.978
Big time prayers for everyone in Florida.

00:39:58.978 --> 00:40:04.440
Big time prayers from everyone still in the throes of recovering from Appalachia.

00:40:04.440 --> 00:40:06.724
Yes, yes, from Helene.

00:40:06.724 --> 00:40:07.385
Was it Heleneachia?

00:40:07.385 --> 00:40:08.086
Yes, yes, from Helene.

00:40:08.086 --> 00:40:08.847
Was it Helene Helene?

00:40:08.847 --> 00:40:12.137
Yeah, yeah, nuts, that a mountain town would be flooded.

00:40:12.137 --> 00:40:13.641
I know it's crazy.

00:40:14.672 --> 00:40:15.576
So we are praying for you.

00:40:15.576 --> 00:40:23.695
How about we all call on our angels and pray for Tampa and all of everyone that's been affected by these two hurricanes?

00:40:23.835 --> 00:40:27.501
Yes, yes, let's just blanket cover the entire Southeast.

00:40:27.501 --> 00:40:30.775
All of you Calling all angels, yes.

00:40:31.670 --> 00:40:32.713
All right, we love you guys.

00:40:32.713 --> 00:40:33.577
See you next week.

00:40:33.577 --> 00:40:34.099
Love you Bye.

00:40:34.099 --> 00:40:48.880
Special thanks to our producer, sarah Reed, to find out more, go to catandmoosepodcastcom.

00:40:48.880 --> 00:41:01.559
Cat and Moose is a BP Production.