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Welcome to the Cat and Moose podcast.
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I'm Cat.
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And I'm Moose.
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This is a true life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.
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did you just say Sarah?
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I said I need a haircut because my hair looks like a wig.
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I mean that's kind of cool.
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to be honest, though, no one's disagreeing, so I know.
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I, I, I just I actually do completely disagree, because I think your hair looks great.
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I love when your hair gets big and wild, so I I kind of am like I'm just watching you like work out your own judgment about your hair.
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God don't?
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We all have a bunch?
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We were talking about that yesterday on a walk, how, like, we all deal with some form of it.
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Right, it's the thing that keeps us from leaving the house, the thing that the hill we have to climb over to get out and, like, go be in public and be seen, whatever that is for you, like, we all experience it and I just am here to tell you.
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Everyone else experiences that and they're not thinking what you think.
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They're thinking about it's 100% thinking about their own shit, yeah.
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I forget that.
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I think I'm the only one that has like stress.
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But she asked me to go for a walk yesterday and I said my answer is always no to anything.
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First in case you don't know that about me, I think I do that.
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Yeah, like the answer is no, and then I can be talked into things.
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But I said no, but I had a ellipses at the end of it.
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You know she could feel that and she was like why?
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And I said cause my pants are covered in dog hair.
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And she was like nobody is getting close enough to you.
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No, one, and when I?
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say covered, I mean covered and and I.
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So that wasn't an excuse and I said, plus, we're walking with two white dogs.
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Right, right, it's going to get on black pants, sorry.
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I did it, I walked, and you know what I was better for it.
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Oh God, all right.
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Hey Kat, hey Moose, hey Sarah, hello friends, hello.
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Hello, welcome to the Kat and Moose podcast.
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Welcome to the Kat and Moose hardcast.
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Porncast, porncast.
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You know this one is.
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I know we always have the explicit little thing by our podcast which makes me think like, oh my gosh, I can't believe my mom and my sister listened to this.
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But then I'm like last week's episode was called slipping a pinky Right, right, right, yeah, yeah.
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So this.
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I'm just saying this week is really going to be a little bit more worthy of that explicit content badge and so I'm just giving everybody a heads up.
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Um, I just wow.
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I think we need to dive right in I'm very excited talk to us cat.
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Well, I'm wondering if either of you have ever experienced a fur, uncle, a fur uncle a fur uncle for uncle mean, I'm guessing that would be if my mom, if what is it?
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Is it a pet?
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from a relative.
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I'm curious this is the question I actually wanted to ask is when I say the word fur uncle, what do you think?
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I immediately go to furry.
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Do you know what furries are?
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Yeah, you go to like a furry, like fur baby.
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No, like a furry.
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A furry Okay.
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Like you, remember the people who dress in mascot outfits and they hook up.
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Oh, they meet each other at conventions.
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Wait, they hook up.
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I don't know anything about that.
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Yes, we've talked about it.
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This is the problem.
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We have.
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I have photos.
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I saw it in Australia.
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I immediately thought of a legitimately furry human.
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That's your uncle.
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Like yes, like a with a disease, like where they've got that syndrome, where they just grow hair everywhere Like an ape.
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That's what I pictured.
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A disease where they grow hair everywhere.
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That's called a human.
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It's probably not right to say disease.
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It's probably a syndrome or a thing.
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It's not quite a disease, it's a syndrome.
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It's a fur syndrome.
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Fur uncle syndrome Exactly, it's a fur syndrome.
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Fur uncle syndrome Exactly, it's a fur syndrome that your uncle has.
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I went to furry first and then I went to, like, if my sister had a dog, is that my uncle?
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Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
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Like I was trying to figure that out, but that got too complicated.
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If your sister's dog was, her dad.
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that would make him your uncle too complicated.
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If your sister's dog was her dad, that would make him your uncle, yeah that would make the dog my dad as well.
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So it's like a family tree thing.
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I don't know.
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Clearly, I don't know, I don't know.
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We obviously don't know.
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I'm curious for those of you listening and willing to send us an email at hello at cat and moose podcast dot com.
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I would be curious what your immediate thoughts were when I said do you know what a fur uncle is Like?
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I'm just really curious because I thought it was the strangest word for what this thing is.
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Middle english word um from latin for nucleus, literally meaning petty thief and also meaning knob on a vine, regarded as stealing the sap from the vine.
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So the thief is the petty thief from stealing the sap from the vine.
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Okay, that's got it.
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That's the origin of the word.
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The actual definition of the word is a painful pus filled bump that forms under your skin when bacteria infect and inflame one or more of your hair follicles.
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I have had this, it's a fur uncle.
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It's called a fur uncle, a fur uncle, so an ingrown hair.
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Yes, you have an ingrown hair.
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It is an infected ingrown hair.
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Yes, wow, and I told my this is where it's going to get fun.
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I was at the doctor today.
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I had a what I'm going to call an urgent doctor's appointment with my OBGYN.
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Oh shoot, and I have.
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I asked her, I know where this is going.
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I think she said she said how can I help you today?
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And I said well, dr, fill in the blank.
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I said I have a fur uncle on my vulva.
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Oh my God, I mean that took me a second.
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Well, allow, oh my gosh, Kat Davis.
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And that that is the procedure that I just went through, like an hour and a half ago, patrons, you got your money, holy shit.
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McNally, wow In the sky.
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I think that this is what they call big T trauma.
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Oh my God For you and us now.
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Yes, thank you.
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Especially you but as a reverberated through us now and the listeners they haven't even seen it.
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Can you describe?
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Do you need to?
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No, because they know what it is.
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Everyone has had this before no, they know what it is.
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And I I asked my doctor, I said she goes, I don't know what that word is.
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And she goes.
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And I don't know where you found that word.
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And I'm like well, I looked up skin boil and medical term for skin boil and it came up fur uncle and I was like no, like that's not, that's not that.
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No, you said I have a thief on my vulva.
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I do I have a thief on my vulva.
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In other words, and I've never thought of my vulva as being something that anyone would want to steal.
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For uncle it is.
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Here's what's crazy.
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This week I was fed this on TikTok and I have the action.
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It's so weird that this happens to us.
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I have no idea you were going to share this.
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I'm going to read it.
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It says, when I tell my patients with boils in their armpits, breasts, buttocks or groin that this could be a chronic inflammatory condition known as hydrodentis superativa, Hypergenitis, that hormones and genetics play a role and you need to cleanse it with benzoyl peroxide or hyba cleanse.
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I've never heard of those things before.
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Yeah, so weird it is, guys clean your groins.
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Well, the thing is, is that like, or you're going to end up?
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like cat.
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Have you been cleaning?
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Oh, oh, I have a pimple behind my earlobe.
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Okay, guys, this is not who we are.
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Today and she said you didn't clean behind your ears.
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And I have never needed to clean behind my ears as much as I think I do now because I have a pimple behind my ear Guys.
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It's hormonal.
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This is not about cleaning your groins.
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I promise that was your groin.
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And the thing is is that, like the whole way home from the doctor's appointment, I just sobbed.
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I just sobbed.
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I hear that and I was like In pain, I don't even know.
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I mean obviously some kind of discomfort, yeah.
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And so I asked myself self why are you crying right now, without judgment, Like?
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It's okay that you're crying.
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Like why?
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What's going on?
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Like, why are you crying?
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And one of the things that I have learned about myself in this season of life is that I get really angry or really upset when I feel dumb or when I feel embarrassed.
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Yeah me too, and so I just thought how do I feel about this?
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And I feel embarrassed because I basically feel like my doctor said you don't wash your hooch, I think it's a cooch not a hooch, I know, I know.
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But for some people in my life they will think that's very funny, and so anyway and she never said that to me she never said you know, how is your hygiene, or anything like that.
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She was like oh, this is very common and I had to get shots.
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I had to get numbing shots, I had to get some, and then, like, when I left, it looked like there was a blood bath left behind.
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It was horrible.
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It was horrible.
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I'm so sorry.
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I'm sorry too, and I don't.
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Is this OK content?
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Yeah, it's OK, because I'm going to share.
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When something like this happened to me OK, get ready everyone.
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Similar situation, not on my labia majora or vulva, but on the inside of my upper thigh.
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I was camping in virginia beach and it was a boil and I was washing, just so everyone knows.
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I was still washing, but it got so.
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It got so bad that I had to call my doctor in Nashville and say I have no, I, but I felt the same embarrassment.
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I was like I have no idea what to do about this.
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I am in so much pain.
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Like mine was so painful where it was yes, and I she was like okay, like I want you to sit in a bath and like you know what I mean.
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Like oh yeah, epsom salt or whatever, which I know you hate baths, but I did, hey, I took a bath last night for like two hours like just running the hot water and like just going, like rise to the surface.
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You demon from the pit, yeah like burn it off yeah, burn it, burn it out, rise.
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Uncle Rise.
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So while we were camping I was like I'm going to get a hotel room just to like, even though I don't want to sit in a hotel bath normally.
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I didn't have that in the camper.
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And so I get a hotel room.
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I check in, I'm like, ok, at least I'll have some comfort by doing this.
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I get in there and those mofos put me in a shower only room.
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I go back down and they go.
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We don't have any rooms with bathtubs.
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Oh, my word and I was like okay, screw this, I'm not doing this.
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Anyway, there's a thing called a sits bath have you heard of this, oh, yes.
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I didn't know what that was, and so it's basically one of those hats that you poop in when you get old and have to have your poop checked.
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Wow guys, it's like one of those.
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Then you put hot water in it, so I had to do that in the camper, but it was awful.
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Welcome to the cat and moose podcast.
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Yes, we talk about our boils.
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Yes, we talk about our baby and let me ask you moose, did it resolve on its?
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00:13:00.116 --> 00:13:03.061
No, she called in an antibiotic.
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It was.
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It's that bacteria, bacteria it's called bacteria yeah, back, drum back drum.
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Yeah, yeah, that's like a heavy within two days.
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It was like a million times better, but oh boy that is not fun.
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Listen, I'm sure we're not alone.
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I think we're just willing to talk about it, and I think a lot of people deal with this on various parts of their body sucks well, I and from what my doctor said, she's like this is very common.
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I see this all the time.
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This is no big deal and I'm like I'll tell you what a big deal is.
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Yes, listen to me I'm not gonna have you tell me that this is not a big deal, like I'm in so much discomfort and so much pain and so much like embarrassment and like I have to drive this way, I have to walk this way, like I have to function.
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Oh my gosh, like I'm so sorry and it's it's just one of those things that I was like.
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This is, if not anything else, hilarious like this is like yeah it's real life, baby.
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It is.
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It's real life and I would love to hear from all of our boil sufferers please write in please if you're listening going, this is disgusting.
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We agree, we know you're gonna get one in a week if you don't listen through that whole thing I think you're kind of casting spells.
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There moose are, are you a witch?
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A little voodoo.
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Hey, it is.
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Gras, that's what I am now it is Mardi Gras.
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Oh yeah, well, they do like voodoo, they do In Louisiana.
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So Mardi Gras means that we're leading into Lent, which means that some people have a practice during Lent of giving something up.
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Are you one of those people?
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Well, I, my mom, said um, today.
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She said what she was giving up for Lent and it was kind of tongue in cheek and I'm not going to say it on the podcast just to protect her privacy.
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But I wrote back and I said I'm considering giving up, worrying.
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And she wrote back and she said.
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She said I hope we both last at least a day.
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So I don't know, I don't know if I'm planning on giving anything up.
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I thought about taking social media off of my phone, but I don't really look at social media very much anyway, yeah, Um, and so I?
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I really don't know.
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Yeah, you can't pick something easy if you're going to actually go for it.
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Yeah, and it's like the.
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The goal is not necessarily for it to be hard, as much as it is to say I am going to replace the time that I spend doing X, you know, social media, whatever it is with being contemplative and communing with the Lord.
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Like that's like what the whole idea of like giving up something for Lent is, and I want to commune more with the Lord, like I feel like I'm a very spiritual person and blah, blah, blah.
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So like I'm up for that, but I don't really know what my thing to let go of needs to be quite yet, and I've got about six hours to decide.
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Oh, it starts tomorrow.
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Oh, it starts tonight.
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Yeah, it starts tonight, oh, at midnight.
00:16:00.717 --> 00:16:06.264
Yeah, fat Tuesday, mardi Gras is the day before Ash Wednesday, that starts the beginning of Lent.
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Lord, I have never put all of that together, Me either but I did not know that either.
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But I was listening to some New Orleans music yesterday.
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I've got a great playlist to send y'all.
00:16:16.011 --> 00:16:16.315
It's so good.
00:16:16.674 --> 00:16:18.442
Maybe you could play us out with something.
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Okay, I have a question about this, because is this the same time of year that people who are doing Lent start or start eating more fish?
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Is there like I feel like that's a thing and like fast food restaurants suddenly are like our fish sandwich, our fish sandwich on Fridays, yeah, yeah, fridays are typically like Catholic fundraiser fish fries, because you're not supposed to eat meat, um, on Fridays during Lent.