Lost Children and the Enneagram
Lost Children and the Enneagram
Send us a text Kat & Moose start this episode with a special song celebrating Easter. Broadcast from Turks & Caicos and The Iron Throne, Ka…
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April 17, 2020

Lost Children and the Enneagram

Lost Children and the Enneagram

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Kat & Moose start this episode with a special song celebrating Easter. Broadcast from Turks & Caicos and The Iron Throne, Kat and Moose philosophize about what the Enneagram has to say about what we heard and learned as children. Kat & Moose share additional messages you should have heard as a child. 

Moose is in Turks & Caicos and Kat is sitting on the Iron Throne.

Moose explores Enneagram philosophy and we learn about how our childhood and current circumstances affect us and shape our personalities. We discuss Canadian chart metrics and Saskatchewan.

Kat is WANTED and has balanced wings.

Producer Sara does a booty shake when we talk about her number.

Do you agree with these messages discussed? Let us know hello@katandmoosepodcast.com

Moose can feel misunderstood. And Kat questions the once-over.

Moose recommends The Sacred Enneagram by Chris Heuertz and The Road Back To You by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile.

What’s your type? How do these things resonate with you? Let us hear from you hello@katandmoosepodcast.com.

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