Running Piglets and Mister Curly
Running Piglets and Mister Curly
Send us a text Moose reveals her vulnerable self to her coaching colleagues and works through 25 years of relational drama with Kat in reco…
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April 11, 2022

Running Piglets and Mister Curly

Running Piglets and Mister Curly

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Moose reveals her vulnerable self to her coaching colleagues and works through 25 years of relational drama with Kat in record time. We learn how to pick up a duck and how to humanely handle a black widow spider. Kat teaches us about Moose's daily running piglet syndrome. Moose introduces mind witchery, Kat shares about trapped leech and Sara revisits a watermelon win and a big machine.  Moose compliments Kat's voluptuousness and Moose moves off her meds.

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