00:00:04.187 --> 00:00:06.051
Welcome to the cat and moose podcast.
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I'm cat and I'm moose.
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This is a true life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.
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Hey cat, hey moose.
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Hello Sarah, hello everyone.
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I have to start off by saying um.
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Reason number six, four, two that I know I'm in midlife is I have a memory of my father.
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Curious if your guys's fathers did this.
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I have a memory of my father um taking his pinky and dipping it.
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I thought you were going somewhere else, I still don't know where we're going.
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Wow, wow, no.
00:00:44.746 --> 00:00:48.033
Wow, that would be a start to the episode.
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Oh goodness, we just got 14 new listeners and they're all porn bots.
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Wow, shite.
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They're all porn bots.
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Okay, so my dad, this is not dirty so he took his pinky.
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He takes his pinky and he would dip it in some VapoRub and then stick it up his nose and spin it around.
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And I remember thinking that is the grossest thing I've ever seen, like you're, just like sticking your finger in your nose and rubbing it around.
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And I, right before we started recording, I reached over to this little vape and I went and I took a big ol' sniff.
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That's where I'm at in this world, you guys, is I am hot.
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You're not too far from sliding that pinky in If you know what I am.
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you're not too far from sliding that pinky in, if you know what I mean.
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And I was just thinking about how this is a great example about how we can break generational curses like we can.
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You know you are not sticking your finger in there and then sticking it up your nose, like you are just mildly just inhaling above the jar, like I feel like you have come a thousand generations.
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I'm actually proud of where I'm at, because it is.
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It does help wait, awaken the brain.
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Brain, don't you think?
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a little vapo rub.
00:02:26.475 --> 00:02:28.942
Yeah, absolutely, that stuff's amazing.
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I love it uh, sarah, please write down slipping the pinky in for a title wow, possibility, wow, slipping the pinky and in the vapo rub complete the sentence I remember one time, um, I had one of our, our clients, listen to the podcast because we talked about something, quote unquote, controversial, and but I was just like.
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I just want you to know that I'm a part of this thing that we're putting out in the world and it's not consistent with, maybe, the industry that we all work in together.
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It's not consistent, so you don't have to worry about it getting on some algorithm train or anything like that.
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It's not going to happen, so don't worry about it Not going to happen.
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Falling in line with the quirks of life, I guess, I don't know.
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Hey, at least we got our branding right.
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You know, yeah, sure, but anyway, okay.
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So what did we talk about?
00:03:23.584 --> 00:03:27.492
Well, it was the episode called the Grasshopper and the Gay Christian.
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Do you remember that episode?
00:03:30.003 --> 00:03:30.224
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remember that that was a long time ago.
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Yeah, several years ago now.
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And we're cutting edge man.
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I tell you, yeah, we are, I know so anyway.
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So I asked them you know just to listen.
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I said is there anything that I, we have done or said that like you feel like is going to be, you know, heartful to you or whatever?
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And they said back to me.
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They said, kat, I am not worried at all about the content of this episode, I'm worried about your episode titles.
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And they said they said, if a large majority of the people you work with read your titles alone, they might be offended.
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And I was like, well, well, that's the point.
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Yeah, is it relevant?
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I feel like it's relevant because they're actual things we're talking about in the episode.
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If you're a patron, you get to watch Kat dig stuff out of her nose and you get to watch Did she use her pinky?
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You get to watch me snuff my vapor rub.
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Did she use her pinky?
00:04:24.060 --> 00:04:25.661
You get to watch me snuff my VapoRub.
00:04:25.661 --> 00:04:29.432
So you know, one dollar can make you holla, holla holla.
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So, moose, you said you had a lot of content that you wanted to explore today, and I have exactly one thing on my notes.
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Okay, well, let's just get.
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Mine is kind of a quick take, so let me get just a couple things out of the way, all right, something that I'm realizing is none of my friends are watching the news, which I don't think you should I'm in favor of that and so they're a little out of touch with what's happening in the world beyond politics.
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I don't think you need to know, I think you're just doing fine here, but, um, but I thought I would let those people know, who aren't watching the news, for their own mental health, some things that are happening in the world besides politics oh yeah, that's lovely, that's lovely.
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Okay, this is the kind of news I'd love.
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Okay, great all right.
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So as of uh, sunday, february 23rd 2025, at five o'clock pm, central time, here are some things people are talking about.
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All right, airplanes.
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We got to come back because that's a whole other topic that we need to cover.
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Yeah, okay, so definitely airplanes.
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The pope is in critical condition.
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Are you aware of this?
00:05:43.487 --> 00:05:44.168
oh, yeah, yeah.
00:05:44.168 --> 00:05:52.117
Yeah, I've actually been paying attention to the news, which is very not not my jam, so, um, I am aware of that.
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Yeah, that is news.
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Yeah, it is uh, yeah, that's sad I think I, I just like, I like, first of all, like I um am sad for him as a person, like I'm sad that he's sick, like I'm sad that he is not well, I'm sad that he is in critical condition.
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As a human being, I am also sad about the idea of him transitioning into his eternal life in heaven during this crazy time that is our world right now.
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And it's like it just feels really scary to me that, like a Pope that I think we all really generally like and appreciate how he thinks and the changes that he has encouraged in the church and and the way that he has called people to love like God loves, like I am, I'm a bit terrified that becoming unstable.
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You know, it's one thing when the leader of the free world is unstable and if, like the leader of the world's largest, arguably, church changes, like that's so scary to me, like can you, can you?
00:07:07.940 --> 00:07:12.949
it's scary it's very scary to me it is okay, I have two thoughts on this.
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One I need you to explain because I know you have some adjacency to the catholic church in your job.
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Great, word.
00:07:22.613 --> 00:07:26.168
Thank you, yeah, it's very impressive I don't think it's a word Adjacency.
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You are adjacent.
00:07:27.391 --> 00:07:28.423
It explained it.
00:07:28.463 --> 00:07:31.333
Yeah, I understood it immediately the first time, yeah.
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I want to hear more about you saying it's scary, and if you could give us more context of what does happen when the Pope passes away.
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Yeah so so the reason that I think it's scary is I think that pope francis has really um.
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I think that he has really helped the, not just the image of the church.
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I think that he has helped the church.
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I think that he has said, hey, some of our ways of being are not okay and we gotta, we gotta make a shift, you know.
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And it's like, so I, I really, I really appreciate a lot that he has, that he has brought to the table in in the time of his leadership, and so I am scared to have something that I have felt, felt like, is like largely really good for the church.
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Like I feel really really scary that that that that's just going to go through a transition.
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It doesn't even.
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It's like I'm not even concerned whether it's good or bad yet, I'm just concerned that it's going through a transition and we all know that transition is hard.
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Like I was just reading a meme earlier that says you know, all these people have these things about caterpillars and butterflies and they just think the caterpillar rolls around in a blanket and then comes out a butterfly and what has to happen is the caterpillar has to go through a complete metamorphosis and turn into the snot that's on your pinky, from being in your nose with vicks on it, in order to literally transform into this beautiful thing that flies you.
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You know it dissolves, yeah, it literally dissolves, yes, and then flies away yeah, and so to me it's like any transformation that is happening right now in the political state of our world just terrifies me, especially one that I've been largely really supportive of.
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So that's what I mean by that, yeah.
00:09:24.326 --> 00:09:32.673
Yeah, Well, good, I just saw that he on March 13th it will be 10 years since his election.
00:09:32.673 --> 00:09:35.366
I guess it's an election right?
00:09:35.508 --> 00:09:37.576
Oh yeah, tell us about that, do we know?
00:09:37.796 --> 00:09:44.671
Well, I know a little bit about it and and I would like to speak from a place of a little bit more education.
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Yeah, let's look it up.
00:09:46.033 --> 00:09:47.645
I think it's worth an edit.
00:09:47.645 --> 00:09:58.211
His death, whenever it happens, is still set to immediately kick off a tightly choreographed series of events refined over centuries and hundreds of dead popes.
00:09:58.211 --> 00:10:01.710
Some Vatican traditions date back to ancient Rome.
00:10:01.710 --> 00:10:16.490
At the end of the spectacle, a new leader of the Catholic Church will be selected in a high stakes election, with progressive and conservative cardinals vying for control of an institution with a billion followers globally Wow.
00:10:17.543 --> 00:10:20.785
Man, I'm so curious about the process of that election.
00:10:20.785 --> 00:10:21.408
Yeah, yeah.
00:10:21.448 --> 00:10:39.826
I am too, yeah, and in the movie Conclave is really I can't speak to how accurate it is to reality or whatever, but I found it like incredibly fascinating, like just the way that like it's basically like you put all these dudes in a room together until they can make a decision.
00:10:39.826 --> 00:10:52.514
And, sarah, you know what that's like Like you know what that's like Like you have just been through something like that where you have to agree with another body of humans that this is going to be our, our consensus.
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You know, and, and so I know that there are a lot of people way more educated than me who can make predictions on.
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You know who might be.
00:11:00.511 --> 00:11:12.337
You know, for lack of a better term running for the next pope, you know who might be v know, for lack of a better term running for the next pope, you know who might be vying for that, that position, and um, it's something that I I think is uh.
00:11:12.337 --> 00:11:14.604
I remember when princess diana died.
00:11:14.604 --> 00:11:22.385
It was right around the time that mother theresa died yes, I've always said that it overshadowed mother.
00:11:22.426 --> 00:11:24.432
Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly.
00:11:24.453 --> 00:11:53.176
I loved them both, yeah me too, and it's like there was all this, like you know, ceremony and pomp and circumstance and everything around Princess Diana, because she was loved, like so many people really loved her, and Mother Teresa died and it was just like, yeah, but Princess Diana died, you know, like it just it just it kind of didn't feel the same and so, and to me, I think they're very, I think they're both death has a lot of gravity period.
00:11:53.176 --> 00:11:58.551
I think they both died very, very is gravity.
00:11:58.591 --> 00:12:01.105
Worthy of our grief, worthy of our grief?
00:12:01.105 --> 00:12:06.097
Yes, I just think there's a lot of gravity there, and so I'm feeling similarly, that it's like, oh, we've transitioned leadership in our grief.
00:12:06.097 --> 00:12:14.304
Yes, I just think there's a lot of gravity there, and so I'm feeling similarly that it's like, oh, yeah, we've transitioned leadership in our country, whether it's happened legitimately or not, or you like it or not, it's like it.
00:12:14.304 --> 00:12:33.240
Just it is where we're at right now, and and so it makes me really a little bit on the edge of my seat to go oh, that may happen in the church too, and that, uh, is it going to be eclipsed by a new executive order and Elon Musk, like literally saying Kyle Hitler?
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You know what I mean.
00:12:33.980 --> 00:12:38.926
It's like I, I, I don't know, yeah, wow.
00:12:39.826 --> 00:12:56.645
Uh, I, yeah, I am in complete awe about the Pope thing because it makes me think like is, is there a hierarchy where, like, the bishops are sort of vying to be the next Pope, or is it not related to that at all?
00:12:57.279 --> 00:12:59.903
No, it really is, because there are.
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There are priests, there are deacons who are not clergy, like they're just lay people serving the church, and then there are priests, and then there are bishops, and then there are archbishops, and then there are cardinals, and then there is the pope.
00:13:17.331 --> 00:13:22.706
Wow, I didn't realize, yeah yeah, so it's a very, very well laid out hierarchy.
00:13:22.706 --> 00:13:24.871
Yeah, um, it's, it's very understandable.
00:13:24.871 --> 00:13:29.400
You know, it's like you can look at a flow chart and go oh, the Pope's in charge, and then everybody else, yana.
00:13:29.400 --> 00:13:31.885
Um, so, yeah, so there.
00:13:31.885 --> 00:13:34.130
Well, will there ever be a female Pope?
00:13:34.130 --> 00:13:37.865
I mean not, it won't be possible this time around.
00:13:37.865 --> 00:13:43.004
Yeah, there are no female Cardinals, there are no female priests in the Catholic church, for that matter.
00:13:43.004 --> 00:13:44.769
So so, not, not any time soon.
00:13:45.539 --> 00:13:47.807
Priests are like Episcopalian aren't they?
00:13:47.826 --> 00:13:51.163
Yeah, yeah, or Lutheran, maybe too.
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Yeah, methodist.
00:13:52.629 --> 00:13:53.451
So they don't?
00:13:53.451 --> 00:13:54.183
They don't.
00:13:54.183 --> 00:13:56.019
I didn't even think of that, like.
00:13:56.019 --> 00:14:01.785
I mean, I know that priests are priests, but like nuns, they're like the handmaid's tale.
00:14:03.308 --> 00:14:10.668
I mean again, I can't speak to what it's like to be a nun, but that is not my understanding at all.
00:14:10.940 --> 00:14:13.028
Well, I just mean, I guess what I mean.
00:14:13.028 --> 00:14:17.419
Well, okay, I'm pissing a lot of people off today.
00:14:17.419 --> 00:14:23.687
I would like to say I have a whole shelf of books that are written by nuns.
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So I have a lot of esteem for the nunship, but I guess what I'm saying is that maybe that was a little sarcasm in there.
00:14:31.913 --> 00:14:36.690
Oh wait, can you put that in the title too?
00:14:36.690 --> 00:14:37.331
00:14:38.162 --> 00:14:40.910
A slippery Vicks, pinky and nonsense.
00:14:41.681 --> 00:14:42.725
I think, it's nunship.
00:14:43.421 --> 00:14:44.687
I just made up nonsense, that's nonsense.
00:14:44.687 --> 00:14:45.150
Yes, oh, it's funny.
00:14:45.150 --> 00:14:46.096
I just made up nonsense, that's nonsense.
00:14:46.096 --> 00:14:46.860
Yes, oh yeah, it's funny.
00:14:47.000 --> 00:14:53.893
it's funny, it was funny um, I guess my point is like the the women can be of service.
00:14:53.893 --> 00:14:55.120
Why I guess that was.
00:14:55.120 --> 00:14:57.024
My point is like is a?
00:14:57.024 --> 00:15:01.581
I know that this is sticky territory for you, cat and I see it and you're.
00:15:01.581 --> 00:15:08.643
I see it in your very strict nod of, but I don't think you should have said that still.
00:15:09.404 --> 00:15:11.249
Let's not put words in my mouth.
00:15:14.174 --> 00:15:17.663
All right, so let's move on, guys, before it gets crazy here.
00:15:17.663 --> 00:15:24.010
Uh, you said you said the word kismet earlier, cat, and I wrote it down because I do not know what that means.
00:15:24.010 --> 00:15:25.500
Can you tell us me either?
00:15:27.565 --> 00:15:30.451
um, I, I, I can tell you what I think it means.
00:15:30.451 --> 00:15:33.740
Um, this is an educational podcast, as you remember.
00:15:33.740 --> 00:15:40.033
Um, kismet is kind of like um, the best way I know how to describe it would be like synchronicity.
00:15:40.033 --> 00:15:53.072
Oh, I, like you know, it's kind of like everything happened at a certain time and it just happened to be that, like a plus b equals c squared times 10 to the 10th degree.
00:15:53.072 --> 00:15:57.787
You know it's like it, it's it's like you can't make that shit up.
00:15:57.787 --> 00:16:01.884
You know it's like it just happens and it's like well, is it an algorithm?
00:16:01.884 --> 00:16:02.866
Is it science?
00:16:02.866 --> 00:16:04.091
Is it you algorithm, is it science?
00:16:04.091 --> 00:16:05.618
Is it, you know, spirituality?
00:16:05.618 --> 00:16:06.384
Is it?
00:16:06.384 --> 00:16:21.450
And nobody really knows, like, everybody has a lot of opinions about what it is, but I kind of, I kind of view it as like a very, very peculiar timing that may or may not be describable by science.
00:16:22.081 --> 00:16:23.490
I love that Cause I believe Great description by science.
00:16:23.490 --> 00:16:27.808
I love that because I believe Great description in all of the everything.
00:16:27.808 --> 00:16:36.809
I hate the phrase everything happens for a reason, especially when it's used as like a kick in the gut, right, but I do believe that science.
00:16:36.809 --> 00:16:44.274
Often things are put in front of us or opportunities fly around us that we can have access to.
00:16:44.614 --> 00:16:47.201
Yeah, and it's kind of like Liz Gilbert's big magic.
00:16:47.201 --> 00:16:52.840
You know it's like I've interpreted it through my lens of Christianity.
00:16:52.840 --> 00:16:55.572
You know that it's like to me it's the Holy Spirit.
00:16:55.572 --> 00:17:04.421
It's like, oh, it's like the Holy Spirit orchestrated this and this and this and this and this to all happen in a way that it did to for some greater good.
00:17:04.421 --> 00:17:06.773
You know like, but who knows?
00:17:06.773 --> 00:17:12.161
Let's look up the definition of kismet, sarah, ok With a K.
00:17:13.030 --> 00:17:15.940
I wrote K-I-Z-M-E-T, but that may not be.
00:17:15.940 --> 00:17:18.038
I think it's M-E-T.
00:17:18.349 --> 00:17:19.070
K-I-S-M-E -T A Z, I think.
00:17:19.070 --> 00:17:26.324
I think it's M-E-T K-I-S-M-E-T A Z, I think, I think it's a Z, but I don't know An Arabic word that means fate or destiny.
00:17:29.273 --> 00:17:31.884
Yeah, that sounds about right.
00:17:31.884 --> 00:17:34.789
Read it to us, okay.
00:17:34.789 --> 00:17:35.972
Kismet is an Arabic word that means fate or destiny.
00:17:35.972 --> 00:17:40.343
It comes from the Arabic word kismat, which means division portion lot.
00:17:40.343 --> 00:17:45.413
Kismet, which means division portion, lot.
00:17:45.413 --> 00:17:47.519
The word was borrowed into english from turkish in the early 1800s.
00:17:47.519 --> 00:17:49.663
In islam, kismet refers to the will of allah.
00:17:49.663 --> 00:17:56.502
It's often used to describe something that happened by chance but was meant to be oh, I love it.
00:17:56.644 --> 00:17:59.451
Used it perfectly, kat thanks, great job.
00:17:59.471 --> 00:18:01.214
Thanks, I'm super proud of myself.
00:18:01.214 --> 00:18:04.340
You're smart um.
00:18:05.041 --> 00:18:06.090
Can we talk about eggs?
00:18:07.535 --> 00:18:12.487
I sure I mean, if we can afford it, yeah, that's what I'm saying like who knew?
00:18:12.487 --> 00:18:23.085
I think we have four left in the fridge and I used guys all of mine last week okay, I think that all of this is propaganda.
00:18:24.089 --> 00:18:29.059
Remember, back in the 80s and 90s, it was like those commercials the incredible edible egg.
00:18:29.059 --> 00:18:34.210
Yeah, okay, I think all of this is just propaganda.
00:18:34.210 --> 00:18:42.385
Like somewhere behind the scenes, like Trump was like look, I'll cut a deal with the egg people if they'll do this for me.
00:18:42.686 --> 00:18:43.347
You know yeah.
00:18:43.450 --> 00:18:47.480
And so now they're like let's create a flu.
00:18:47.480 --> 00:18:48.766
Let's create a flu.
00:18:48.766 --> 00:18:50.375
No, not the egg flu.
00:18:50.375 --> 00:18:51.618
The bird flu.
00:18:51.618 --> 00:18:55.717
No, I'm talking about people are stealing eggs from one another.
00:18:55.717 --> 00:18:59.828
Yeah, okay, yep, they are, but you're right, the bird flu is happening.
00:18:59.828 --> 00:19:01.978
And that is oh Okay.
00:19:01.998 --> 00:19:02.559
Yep, they are.
00:19:02.559 --> 00:19:04.827
But you're right, the bird flu is happening and that is.
00:19:04.827 --> 00:19:05.250
Oh, is it why?
00:19:05.250 --> 00:19:08.355
Because the price of eggs have gone up, Because I didn't know it was because of the bird flu.
00:19:08.576 --> 00:19:10.859
Yeah Right, Is that true?
00:19:10.859 --> 00:19:13.163
Or did you just guess that's what I think?
00:19:13.163 --> 00:19:14.964
I thought that's how they were saying.
00:19:14.964 --> 00:19:18.086
The economy has gone to shit is the price of eggs.
00:19:18.205 --> 00:19:24.948
I think there's a lot of opinions out there and I have heard, I have heard what both of you are saying and I don't know which.
00:19:24.948 --> 00:19:32.279
It is Like I don't, I don't know if it's because of the bird flu or if it's a metaphor for economic crisis.
00:19:32.279 --> 00:19:33.423
Like, I have no idea.
00:19:33.423 --> 00:19:41.060
And I think it's really funny that people who don't even like or eat eggs are riled up about this.
00:19:41.060 --> 00:19:42.022
Oh yeah, you're right.
00:19:42.042 --> 00:19:43.505
You know it's like that's a great point.
00:19:43.505 --> 00:19:49.137
I agree, but I've eaten more eggs in the past week because they seem like such a hot commodity.
00:19:49.137 --> 00:19:49.799
Yeah yeah.
00:19:49.859 --> 00:19:52.308
I know, yeah, and propaganda at its best.
00:19:52.410 --> 00:19:55.518
That and toilet paper in COVID days.
00:19:55.518 --> 00:19:56.579
Yeah, yeah.
00:19:56.840 --> 00:19:57.122
00:19:57.261 --> 00:20:06.025
Yeah, and going back to the 80s and 90s, I saw a post the other day that was like we used to throw those things eggs and toilet paper at people's houses.
00:20:06.025 --> 00:20:10.201
Right Like now, we're all freaked out about not being able to afford it.
00:20:10.201 --> 00:20:11.451
That's pretty funny.
00:20:11.913 --> 00:20:13.674
OK, you're right, Sarah, I looked it up.
00:20:13.674 --> 00:20:20.365
Eggs they're so expensive right now because of supply and demand, eggs are now a commodity.
00:20:21.150 --> 00:20:21.791
You're right.