The Sun, The Moon, and a Dry Drunk
The Sun, The Moon, and a Dry Drunk
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April 18, 2023

The Sun, The Moon, and a Dry Drunk

The Sun, The Moon, and a Dry Drunk

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.869
For the cat ms podcast, I'm Kat and I miss. This is a true life Podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.

00:00:16.920 --> 00:00:19.710
Hey, cat. Well, hey, moose.

00:00:19.920 --> 00:00:20.699
Hey, Sarah.

00:00:21.359 --> 00:00:22.410

00:00:22.859 --> 00:00:26.010
Why did you say like that cat?

00:00:22.859 --> 00:00:26.010
Well, hey, moose.

00:00:26.070 --> 00:01:00.119
Well, cuz I hadn't clicked got it on the Zoom. Oh. And I didn't know if we were really recording. So I was like, I'm not ready. I'm not ready. And did you guys know this? Okay, I don't know how long you guys have been using Zoom. Since I know for me, it's since before COVID. So at least three years I've been using zoom and I just learned this week, that if you have yourself on mute that you can press the spacebar and take yourself off of mute. Yeah. Ooh, to talk. I just learned this.

00:01:00.119 --> 00:01:01.020

00:01:01.320 --> 00:01:08.579
I just tried it and it didn't work. You have to have be on mute. Press the spacebar to unmute yourself just momentarily.

00:01:08.640 --> 00:01:10.799
Oh, okay. hit mute. Yeah.

00:01:10.799 --> 00:01:13.500
Now hit your spacebar and hold it while you talk.

00:01:13.620 --> 00:01:20.040
Oh, you have to hold it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but then if you don't hold it, you can't be here.

00:01:20.069 --> 00:01:22.109
You got to hold it down like a CB radio.

00:01:22.230 --> 00:01:25.859
Oh, you hold it down like a CB radio.

00:01:25.890 --> 00:01:26.700
That's I just said.

00:01:27.750 --> 00:01:41.909
Now that is brilliant. Yeah, in that cool. And I can't believe like, I've lived on Zoom for the past half of a decade. And I didn't even know that. I didn't either. Take classes online cat.

00:01:42.899 --> 00:01:46.078
Wait, are you you're taking a zoom class?

00:01:46.469 --> 00:02:00.599
Oh, taking like three right now? No, but like to learn about zoom? No. No, I was like, Wow. I mean, that's really proactive. You know, I really want to find out all you've taught me something this week.

00:02:00.780 --> 00:02:04.049
And I taught you about the filter situation last week.

00:02:04.049 --> 00:02:08.310
Yeah. Yeah. Which by the way, look, look at what's going on here.

00:02:08.490 --> 00:02:11.250
So did you get punched in the glasses?

00:02:11.549 --> 00:02:19.318
I mean, it seems to be that but what happened? Well, I've broken my glasses multiple times.

00:02:16.348 --> 00:02:26.308
Here's the thing my glasses have been ready for two weeks. I just have yet to pick them up my new ones. Oh my gosh. Isn't that how life goes?

00:02:26.370 --> 00:02:32.789
Unless you have vertically cross eyed eyes with a new cataract lens.

00:02:33.180 --> 00:02:34.979
You're calling me privileged?

00:02:35.460 --> 00:02:42.449
I am calling you privileged. The moment my glasses come in, I will stop everything I'm doing and go get them this week.

00:02:43.889 --> 00:02:59.699
I can appreciate that I too, because now the superglue is no longer working so I actually have scotch tape holding my glasses together and I can't see without them. So I've been studying while this is scratching my nose Poor me.

00:03:00.539 --> 00:03:11.610
So I think in your Christmas stocking you might have been given something called bond it Oh, and it's like oh no, that's what that's for. I've been using it for something else.

00:03:13.710 --> 00:03:54.000
Well, the bond it stuff is kind of like the stuff that they use at the dentist. I think it's like a liquid but then you have to shine an ultraviolet light on it like a purple light on it and then it hardens. And it's supposed to be a better bond than superglue. I can't get it to work right for me but I'm like I love that you got me that as a gift but you're telling me I have to put that on there and then shine an ultraviolet light did you give me the ultraviolet light? Yeah, it comes with it. Oh good. I thought I had to like buy an extra accessory and then I was gonna give you shit for a bad gift. But that's a great gift and I need to go find it.

00:03:54.028 --> 00:04:17.610
Did you when when you guys were kids or teenagers did you have those blacklight posters that you can Oh yeah, you can like rub like they're velvety? Yeah, they're like fuzzy. Yeah, I didn't have one but I remember them. Oh, you didn't have one we should get you one I don't like when people didn't get to have certain experiences I want to fix it for everyone.

00:04:17.819 --> 00:04:31.319
What about those posters that had like just a bunch of like the same image on it on repeat and then you you have to look at it for so long you look between it and you see the thing Yeah, I could never fucking do it ever.

00:04:31.439 --> 00:04:57.449
It's like that's that is that was the world back then trying to tell us that there are different dimensions yes yeah, there has to live I mean to this day, I mean, what was the was the latest but the like, red or green dress or something yelling in their car like but I every time I'm like nope, see one of them and I really don't care to stare at the thought long to see something else.

00:04:57.689 --> 00:05:03.420
He I used to find them fascinating and would stare at them as long as allowed.

00:05:04.110 --> 00:05:08.279
Makes sense. Um, I need to talk to you guys about something.

00:05:09.420 --> 00:05:17.220
Okay. Do you remember when Sarah didn't had the realization that Paul Simon was in Simon and Garfunkel?

00:05:17.250 --> 00:05:22.589
Yes, I do. I remember your sister about had a aneurysm over it.

00:05:22.709 --> 00:06:05.879
Yeah. So this is sort of like that. Okay. I have been told my whole life that you know, like be like the moon because the moon reflects the sun. And like sun spelled s o n or something, you know, but I've heard this phrase the moon reflects the sun. But it didn't hit me until last week. That the moon doesn't have any light whatsoever Yeah, I'm totally being serious or human. That's why I'm laughing so hard. Like, really? What was it like for you?

00:06:06.089 --> 00:06:21.300
I need to process this with you guys because I always look at the moon with my telescope. And you know, it's obviously lit up because it's reflecting the sun.

00:06:15.209 --> 00:06:26.100
But, and I've seen video when we supposedly landed on the moon.

00:06:21.300 --> 00:06:59.939
I've seen video that it's a little dusty up there. But I just thought it was like nighttime on the moon so when when the moon changes phases and it only looks like a little fingernail like what do you think is going on on the moon that we only see a little bit of it if it has its own light I thought that like the sun was covering up or maybe a planet I think maybe we I think we the earth was covering up part of its light. And so there was something in the way is what I'm getting at and so that I knew that was only part of it.

00:06:59.970 --> 00:07:09.089
Although it wasn't that long ago that I thought there were different truly different moods.

00:07:04.319 --> 00:07:10.410
Now I'm talking like teenage it should have been way earlier.

00:07:10.709 --> 00:07:18.930
Well I mean like I'm so fascinated by this so it's like we were in a or we live in a constant state of Eclipse in your mind.

00:07:19.620 --> 00:08:28.980
Total Eclipse of the Heart yes every now if you're all together we can make it to the end falling in love now I'm only falling has been my favorite moment of this day on this planet apparently is always in the way of the Sun in the moon.

00:08:31.470 --> 00:08:36.750
Wow, I really felt like we just came together like three strands of a cord.

00:08:37.470 --> 00:08:43.710
We did thank you Ecclesiastes C H O rd chard a choice.

00:08:46.139 --> 00:08:59.549
The man said that happened like I like I actually said to Sarah, wait a minute. It was like the aha moment and I was like there's no light on the moon.

00:08:55.230 --> 00:09:14.700
And then I start Googling like I do. And so yeah. Then then I started looking up what does the moon represent? Because here I am fascinated with the moon at this point. And I learned that the moon represents femininity.

00:09:15.149 --> 00:09:16.409
Did you know that?

00:09:16.529 --> 00:09:18.149
Oh no.

00:09:18.809 --> 00:09:33.210
And here's why. Excuse me. I was I was what? I had to burp I'm sorry.

00:09:33.899 --> 00:09:36.600
I'm like a user drum roll like what's happening.

00:09:38.220 --> 00:09:40.980
Day to day they needed Edit.

00:09:38.220 --> 00:09:41.730
Edit, edit, edit. Edit a. That was the drum roll.

00:09:43.379 --> 00:09:46.710
Wait, were you an auctioneer doing femininity?

00:09:46.740 --> 00:09:48.360
No, no, it was the drumroll.

00:09:48.750 --> 00:09:49.529
I'll do it again.

00:09:49.710 --> 00:09:52.529
No need to do that. Anybody know that? Anybody? Unity.

00:09:53.820 --> 00:10:48.840
Okay, but now I need to know can you do the auctioneer thing Sarah I know like I feel like that's really close. Oh I was gonna I don't even know what they're saying but it sounds like neither do they need over here he knows he probably has emails anybody that has any line buddies at 888829 water waves 79 as number one JBS number one thank you for going forward and forward and fine and 555 to get Kenny one, six and six.

00:10:49.139 --> 00:10:56.100
Yes. Oh do the lady and think oh my God give me a great episode guys.

00:10:56.970 --> 00:11:09.960
Back to the moon. Um Oh the moon represents femininity because the phases of the moon are about the same length of a woman's menstrual cycle.

00:11:10.019 --> 00:11:16.230
Oh, no, really? I'm not being funny.

00:11:12.029 --> 00:11:16.230
I'd wasn't laugh Oh, okay, cool.

00:11:17.250 --> 00:11:34.860
Um, so yeah, the moon is a special thing. And let me just read a couple things guys. I mean, we know whether you believe or don't believe that somebody landed there. I don't care maybe that Can I Can I ask a question first?

00:11:29.909 --> 00:11:51.779
Sure. So I'm very curious about if the phases of the moon like a complete phase of the moon is about the same length as a woman's menstrual cycle. Is the full moon meant to represent when the the the cleansing of the Oregon is happening?

00:11:51.899 --> 00:11:54.179
Oh my gosh, cat.

00:11:54.210 --> 00:11:55.230
What Oregon?

00:11:55.559 --> 00:12:03.480
Yes, the answer is yes. I don't know. But so full moons is full moons are really powerful because we're all on our period.

00:12:03.570 --> 00:12:23.850
Oh my god. Well, yeah. Because we're all crazy. You know, full moon they're like, the wolves outside or how often are they the wolves or are they something else that how they're, they're the coyotes and the wolves, coyotes? Yep. So also the biblical reference to the moon.

00:12:17.580 --> 00:12:43.139
It symbolizes cosmic events and divine epiphanies. So it's not all scary. Also, your moon sign is one of the most important parts of your astrological profile which I'm still learning mine. And it represents your emotional side your feelings, intuition, and memories, which is super cool.

00:12:43.830 --> 00:12:45.419

00:12:46.919 --> 00:13:05.940
This other website says the moon represents divine feminine energy known as the grandfather, grandmother moon that makes more sense. The moon cycle which is roughly the same length of time as a woman's menstrual cycle.

00:13:01.139 --> 00:13:10.230
Mee Mee Mee murmur is seen as a sacred gift to women often referred to as their moon time.

00:13:10.440 --> 00:13:16.200
So next time you're on your period, and you're pissed, be grateful and call it your moon time.

00:13:16.230 --> 00:13:21.690
Oh, great. Yeah, I'm totally using that. And I have as usual, like 10,000 questions.

00:13:21.690 --> 00:13:41.250
And this is where I wish we could just do a quick like, call into Rachel and ask her astrological things because she has studied my birth chart. And we've talked about my moon sign, which I don't remember what it is. I know my opposite sign is Taurus, but I don't remember what my moon sign is. Do you know yours?

00:13:41.818 --> 00:14:07.048
Well, I've recently also did a birth chart. But then it wanted me to pay like 40 bucks to get the whole thing. So I just screenshot the few things that it gave me. But I did not catch what. I didn't catch that. I know that my first planet is the sun. Is that a planet? Is the sun a planet? That's a fair question.

00:14:07.078 --> 00:14:09.418
I don't think the sun is a planet.

00:14:09.539 --> 00:14:16.409
I mean, what makes a planet a planet? It's not on fire. I mean, these are questions worth asking.

00:14:16.438 --> 00:14:22.109
It's a it's a the sun is a 4.5 billion year old yellow dwarf star.

00:14:22.230 --> 00:14:25.679
Yeah, it's a star. That's right.

00:14:22.230 --> 00:14:29.879
It's not a planet. It's a hot glowing ball of hydrogen and helium at the center of our solar system.

00:14:30.539 --> 00:14:32.580
What if that thing just goes down?

00:14:32.849 --> 00:14:36.599
So we spin around the sun? Is the moon or planet?

00:14:36.839 --> 00:14:44.729
No, it's just a probably a dead star. I mean it because it doesn't have light. We've learned this.

00:14:45.210 --> 00:14:48.509
I it all of our intellectual listeners have left the building.

00:14:49.470 --> 00:15:23.700
No, they are so fascinated. That someone that is going to turn 45 years old this year. Did not know this information. Didn't know it. It's like the depth of which I knew it. I didn't have the like, oh, okay, check this out. The moon that orbits around the Earth is not a planet. This is because it orbits around the Earth, not the sun. It is called the moon. Because when it was first discovered, scientists didn't know that there were any other moons in our solar system.

00:15:23.970 --> 00:15:25.769
Wait, there are other moons?

00:15:26.009 --> 00:15:28.740
Oh, yeah, a lot of the planets have moons.

00:15:29.698 --> 00:15:32.278
Oh, so like each solar system has a moon?

00:15:32.789 --> 00:15:58.230
Well, each planet. I don't know if each planet but several planets have meant. You know that. And we don't know if we are we were not the only solar system in the universe. Let's not submit this episode to the signal, Lord. Why? Because anyone that could be intellectual will be like, Wow, this is something right here.

00:15:58.230 --> 00:16:04.139
Yeah. Yeah. Well, are we an intellectual podcast?

00:16:00.000 --> 00:16:04.139
No, we're not.

00:16:04.169 --> 00:16:07.799
Yeah. Well, yeah, we are.

00:16:04.169 --> 00:16:07.799
Depending on the episode.

00:16:09.600 --> 00:16:11.549
Are we ever on the same page?

00:16:11.610 --> 00:16:14.100
Yes. A lot of the time.

00:16:14.909 --> 00:16:17.490
Yes. So get out of our face.

00:16:17.519 --> 00:16:24.539
Yeah, exactly. So I would like to go back to the moon representing femininity. What else you got there mousse?

00:16:24.809 --> 00:16:31.169
Oh, hold on. Let me pull it back up. Okay, saying that the moon has a period.

00:16:28.259 --> 00:16:31.169

00:16:31.980 --> 00:16:33.600
What I'm saying kind of.

00:16:34.470 --> 00:16:36.720
Yeah, so that's like a Bloodmoon.

00:16:36.870 --> 00:16:57.750
I think I've covered all that I had pulled up. But it's interesting. Like, there's, I mean, we can't just say like, it's boring, because it's not full of light, we have to say like, oh, actually, the reason it's so stinking cool is the dirt that's on there is reflective.

00:16:58.830 --> 00:17:26.490
Kind of like, like on the white sandy beaches of Florida. You know, it's like the, the dust on the the surface of the Moon is clearly light enough to reflect the sun's light back to Earth, which that's funny. Also, it's considered Earth's only natural satellite. Yeah, the rest of it is all the shit that we've put in outer space. I think that that's accurate. And that's where we get shit fallen out of the sky. And people think it's UFOs.

00:17:28.289 --> 00:17:48.839
I actually do have one more thing about man stuff. Okay. So we know where I go. When I have questions about life, we go to Google. But then on Google, the best place to go is like these teacher resources because they're teaching kids so it's really bottom line here. Right?

00:17:44.970 --> 00:17:58.980
Yeah. So here's what I learned on this website. Here's some fun facts about the moon guys. And this is from play The surface of the Moon is dark.

00:17:59.039 --> 00:18:07.019
We've learned that okay. The moon and the sun are not the same size. Did you guys know that? Yes. No?

00:18:07.859 --> 00:18:24.690
If the moon okay, like, let's just be like logical for a second if the moon were the size of the sun, and the sun has a big enough gravitational pool to have an entire solar system rotating around it. It would make sense that the moon and the sun are different sizes. Right?

00:18:22.380 --> 00:18:26.279
But what if it was farther away?

00:18:26.549 --> 00:18:38.339
You got to understand and add brain like I've never, I never built a solar system and science that was I think we should do one because I didn't either. Maybe we need one. Did you cat?

00:18:38.460 --> 00:18:40.980
Yes. And I love that kind of shit.

00:18:41.009 --> 00:18:43.559
Can we have a solar system building day?

00:18:43.589 --> 00:18:52.410
Yeah, I don't know if I had an ease. I don't know if I had a solar system building day. But I feel like solar system models are I'm very familiar with them.

00:18:52.799 --> 00:18:53.579
I have a question.

00:18:53.638 --> 00:18:55.499
Did you know The moon? What?

00:18:55.920 --> 00:19:00.299
Can we do this as an activity together during our cat and mouse retreat?

00:19:00.359 --> 00:19:07.349
Yes. Yeah. I'll order it right now, please. Because this has come up multiple times on our podcast.

00:19:07.410 --> 00:19:14.519
I'm not really a build a model type gal, but we're gonna do it together as a team. It's a team building exercise.

00:19:14.579 --> 00:19:16.140
No, I'm working on it already.

00:19:16.470 --> 00:19:30.299
The moon has quakes, which are called Moon quakes. Did you know that? I didn't know. Well, look at that. And then the moon is responsible for the tides on the Earth's ocean. Hopefully everyone knows that.

00:19:30.329 --> 00:19:43.079
Yes. Um, yeah. I mean, it also the temperature varies from extremely hot to extremely cold, which would make sense that it gets sunlight and it doesn't.

00:19:43.440 --> 00:19:44.910
It's kind of like our day in our night.

00:19:45.150 --> 00:19:56.069
Yeah. And if you want to make a moon you can. You could do that at home with you know, whatever it is. You want to do that with styrofoam or something. Great.

00:19:56.250 --> 00:20:02.369
There are so many solar system building kit. on Amazon. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited.

00:20:03.000 --> 00:20:11.849
I love it. A couple years ago, I bought one of those raise your own butterfly kits, you know, because we did matter school.

00:20:11.909 --> 00:20:22.440
Yeah, but we talked about that Sarah that was traumatic because we're one got stuck to something and and then one died. No one of them didn't have a wing that developed the right way.

00:20:22.440 --> 00:20:24.990
And it was my pet for a while.

00:20:22.440 --> 00:20:27.240
It was really sweet actually, until what happened?

00:20:27.479 --> 00:20:32.368
Well, I think it died. But we knew it was gonna die. We did.

00:20:32.578 --> 00:20:41.669
So we enjoyed it stays. It was cool. And then the other ones flew away. It was a successful project, I think.

00:20:42.089 --> 00:20:52.769
I'm sure they would love to hear their lives were projects somewhere in another dimension, sorry barflies.

00:20:53.638 --> 00:21:20.819
So other worlds and things like that it makes me think like this world. No, this word kind of fits in with what we're talking about the word nuclear, like what comes to your mind when you think of nuclear disaster destruction. Really terrible countries who thinks that that's the way to including our own, hurt other people? Bad things?

00:21:20.880 --> 00:21:26.910
Well, then I think and I'll ask you guys this question, too. And I'd like to hear from both of you. Do you care for me?

00:21:28.049 --> 00:21:29.730
Do I care for you? Yes.

00:21:29.940 --> 00:21:36.000
I think we covered this in the last episode. We love you and care for you so much. Why we do?

00:21:36.539 --> 00:21:43.349
Because I have to have a nuclear test in the morning. That's pretty cool. And that cool?

00:21:43.409 --> 00:21:47.308
Yeah. It makes you feel like your pee in your pants.

00:21:47.339 --> 00:21:48.420
I've heard that.

00:21:48.450 --> 00:22:11.549
Yeah. Wait, can you say more for the people that have never heard of that thing? Yeah, well, this is the season of the Cantonese podcast where cat is going through very bizarre and random and not terribly horrific, and not terribly wonderful health escapades. And so I have had this pain in my chest for a really long time.

00:22:11.549 --> 00:22:33.660
And we've tried to figure out what it is. And until we figure out what it is, every five years or so I have a nuclear stress test. And we check my heart to see and make sure that it's you know, all the channels of communication and Flow are open and flowing. So I get to do that tomorrow. And I get like the nuclear stuff put in my veins.

00:22:30.509 --> 00:22:33.660
It's crazy.

00:22:34.049 --> 00:22:35.309
It is crazy.

00:22:35.759 --> 00:22:37.140
How are you feeling about it?

00:22:37.559 --> 00:22:53.130
I'm a little bit nervous, even though I've done it before. I'm a little bit nervous, and also like annoyed that it's going to take up like a third of my Monday because I gotta be there for a couple of hours. So I've already been thinking about like, what can I do during my wait time?

00:22:54.630 --> 00:22:55.710
What are you going to do?

00:22:57.180 --> 00:22:59.759
Listen to the cat moose podcast.

00:22:57.180 --> 00:22:59.759

00:23:01.289 --> 00:23:36.359
I wanted to share this thing with you guys. Let me share my screen. Okay, so I saw this on the Mel Robbins we all love Mel Robbins Kat has a word crush on Mel Robbins. And she had this guy on her podcast. And his name is Dr. Russell Kennedy. He's an MD and a neuroscientist. And he has this thing that he goes by and he says you don't have anxiety, you have alarm. And so I wanted to share this because I thought it was very interesting.

00:23:36.660 --> 00:23:37.170
Here we go.

00:23:38.220 --> 00:24:41.309
I have been somebody with what they call high functioning anxiety. For most of my life, that anxiety, a lot of times like lights a fire underneath me. And that worried energy, that nervous energy, that mind that is constantly thinking 15 steps ahead, you're just always nervous about something and on edge. You know, when you get into these anxious phases that I call alarm, temporarily guided meditations, breathing, all that stuff will help you but the key out of this, and I hope everybody gets this today, if you have chronic anxiety, you have a child in you that is suffering that is struggling and all the guided meditations, all the breathwork all the yoga isn't going to heal that what heals that is actually going in finding that child finding their eyes in a picture or even in your mind's eye looking at them, showing them that they are seen, heard loved and protected in a way now that they didn't get back then. And that's how we heal the root cause of this as opposed to just helping people cope.

00:24:42.150 --> 00:24:43.529
Isn't that so good?

00:24:44.369 --> 00:24:47.400
I like that. Have you done it?

00:24:44.369 --> 00:26:01.500
Well, I was gonna ask you guys how you do talk to your inner child because I'm curious how we each do it. I'm sure it's differently, different, not differently. How do you guys speak to your inner or person, I actually have not done specifically intentional inner child work I've just done like the internal family systems thing. And so, so I think that like, I don't really know which character is my inner child, or maybe they all are at different phases like that seems really, like that makes sense to me. And I think that Tex represents my youngest inner child, like the three year old that has a mullet, and wears a heavy wet diaper and is always pissed and has revolvers and all that kind of stuff. For me, he's just, he's just a real ornery three year old, you know, and, and it's, I don't really know how to talk to him. Because one, I don't have many three year olds in my life, my nephew was three a year ago. And other than that, like, I just don't have a lot of experience talking to three year old, my bodywork practitioner helped me talk to text one time.

00:26:01.799 --> 00:26:13.140
And that was, that was kind of cool. But it was more of me, like, almost like watching and listening to her talk to him.

00:26:13.470 --> 00:27:17.759
Because I didn't know how to do what she was doing. You know, like, I'm just really critical of him. And I really don't have a lot of patience with them. And she really did. And I was kind of like, well, what's that like, and I think it was meant to kind of model like, you might consider that you talk to yourself, you're your inner child like this. And I haven't done a lot of work on that outside of the being on the table. That's awesome. I, you know, I am the same way like I have a hard time. Sometimes I don't know how to talk to kids in general, to be honest. Like, it just is sometimes awkward, depending on the age. And that's how I feel, too is, as you described with texts, like I always my inner child, the only one I can identify as like an actual child. She's like, super, like, deeply angry, like, deeply. It's more like, anger that's covering up hurt, you know what I mean?

00:27:12.599 --> 00:30:15.720
And she's always in like this, get away from me position, you know, like, sort of the world has already scorned hers, what it was like, and she just doesn't really want to have a lot of conversations. So, but I don't, so I don't have a lot of conversations, I just like, I take time through meditation or whatever to imagine just my therapist taught me just to sit by her. And so in like, my mind's eye, just like she sometimes under a table, which, that's sad. But, um, but I just picture myself like going and sitting by her, you know, and like, not touching her. She doesn't really want to be touched. But like letting her know, like, I'm in. I'm in the same space as you Is that okay, it feels like it is like that sort of slowly tiptoeing towards her. And has that do you feel like that has? Has that like, led its way to healing? In some ways? Yeah, I honestly think that, um, that in some ways, that is my true self. Like, from an introverted perspective, like, I find myself very not just introverted, but introspective. And I'm often in my head a lot about just scenarios and what could be and how things went. I don't spend a lot of time on the past. But I feel like she started like, that was something that she did back then, is she had to like, and it's and it's some of it was, was in preparation for, if you will, like a lot of it was just like planning for, you know, what could be, you know, from living in a divorced family and a chaotic family. But yeah, I think there's been healing of like, more integration of her into who I am now, instead of like he said, avoiding her because I think for years, I've just like, Dun dun dun and got things done and you know, moved along, instead of like, allowing myself to sit with what is I'm really curious what I'm noticing, as you're talking about this, when I'm noticing in my own being, is I have a lot of compassion for that little girl sitting under the table. And I have a lot of desire to like, I want to sit with her and I want to talk to her and I want to play games with her and I I immediately like have this All the sudden this innate ability that I just moments ago said, I have none of, it's like, I feel like I have this ability, or at least a desire to sit and hang with that little girl. And like, I find that really interesting.

00:30:15.720 --> 00:30:17.490
And I just, I wanted to say it out loud.

00:30:18.839 --> 00:30:23.670
Well, I think just thank you.

00:30:18.839 --> 00:30:29.579
And I also think, just like her, you can do that with Tex, he just may not sit long as long, he might roll around a lot.

00:30:29.819 --> 00:30:33.359
The thing is, is I don't want I don't, I don't even have any.

00:30:33.660 --> 00:30:48.480
Like, I don't even necessarily want to sit with him. Like, I feel such a compassion to your little girl under the table. But with texts, I'm like, Nah, I need somebody else to talk to him because I like I'm just not.

00:30:44.640 --> 00:30:49.769
He and I just really don't communicate well.

00:30:50.519 --> 00:31:02.490
Well, he's three, right? So, you know, like, it's like, does he represent a child inside of you?

00:30:56.460 --> 00:31:18.839
Or does he represent something at that age that you needed more of? And then that triggers you and he comes up? You know, like, maybe so? I don't know. Okay, speaking of triggers, Sara, do you talk to your inner child, I didn't mean to jump forward.

00:31:19.589 --> 00:33:53.549
Um, I, I'm learning to I. I was trying to think of, like, which version of me that is, because I'm still sorry, I'm trying not to burp. Because I'm still at like, such the beginning, at least I feel like such the beginning of this process and just kind of like, searching inward. This, okay, well, let me just say this, what came to mind while you guys were speaking, was a picture or an image that I had of a smaller version, a younger version version of myself. And this was when I was in Catia was probably a couple months ago in a therapy session, and I pictured this young version of myself, like, in an abandoned airport, like imagine, like a huge, like, the Denver Airport, huge, abandoned, and I'm, like, hiding, kind of under one of the columns, maybe on like, the second floor, this little version of me, like, under one of the raft, you know, like, in a, I don't know, and then like, the actual part like me, me, Sarah, you know, is maybe on level four looking down going, can we, like I see, you know, you're down there, I don't want you to be alone, like, and those are moments when I feel like, I don't even know if I can connect that to anything right now. But I think in that therapy session, if I remember correctly, we're talking a lot about how, like a word for me that I always felt was overlooked. And you can imagine, like, being lost in a big airport, you know, with people or not people like, but it's just kind of hiding in the shadows is really what I think I was getting at with that imagery. And, and I know that I have that side of me that is very, like, timid and like unsure. And is it safe? And, you know, and so, I guess so when I it helps for me to see that that image of her because then when I talk to her, it's like, you can't just like rush in and approach a little kid that's hiding in a giant airport, you know what I mean? Like, there i right? That's a, there's a very specific way to approach that kid. And so I kind of have to, like what Musa was just, like, make my presence known and be with her. And, you know, just like, do you want to stay there?

00:33:49.980 --> 00:34:02.309
And I'll stay here. And you know, how separate are we? And sometimes we're super close. So but I don't know if that really connected any of that. But that's the thing that came to mind for me. No, it did.

00:34:02.880 --> 00:34:09.480
I mean, I just feel like you shared your experience. And that was, I've felt really honored to have gotten to hear that.

00:34:09.539 --> 00:34:14.969
Thanks. I think. Yeah, don't think anything moves.

00:34:15.449 --> 00:34:33.088
Well, I was just gonna say that duck that Dr. Russell Kennedy, I went and watched some more of his videos, and one of the things he talked about is how you either grow up in a state of Protection, or state a growth.

00:34:28.559 --> 00:34:33.088
That's how you see the world.

00:34:33.179 --> 00:34:38.338
Hmm. Based on your experiences.

00:34:33.179 --> 00:35:25.139
Hmm. And that was really interesting to me, because I think as I've gotten older, I realized I am very high on protection. You know, like I I've started to see the world through like I need to protect myself. And he talks about how you begin to gather this victim mentality. Yeah, because you have been through some really hard things, you know, but you start going like, this is part of my identity and all that. And so he was encouraging, like how you can start, you can change from having this idea of protection and go to towards, you know, the world is an opportunity for growth. But that would mean you have to like leave your house and stuff. So I don't know.

00:35:26.789 --> 00:36:21.420
You're still considering? First of all, see how I was just gonna say that that Zoom class that I took last week, the Lonnie Jarrett class called untying the knot. One of the things that he talked about is that there are some clients, some patients, if you are a clinical practitioner, I think you can call them patients. But there are some clients who are addicted to the process of healing, but not really healing. Like they, they enjoy the process a lot. And a lot of times he was saying that those people have kind of that victim mentality. It's like something happened to me, I am a victim, I was wronged. And now this is who I am. And this is my experience. And it's almost like, like one has to find a way out of that mentality to really begin to stretch toward healing.

00:36:17.730 --> 00:36:24.539
Yeah. And I wish he would have spent time on like, Well, how do you get your clients to do that?

00:36:24.539 --> 00:36:55.019
Because I mean, it's like, like, for my own self, like, I certainly I think I do want to heal, but we talked about how the, you know, making changes and outweighing you know, the circumstances and all that last week, but I don't know, I thought it was just really interesting that, that he was talking about how I think he said after he sees a client for six sessions, if he doesn't notice, very specific improvement, he kind of knows like, Okay, we're on that, yeah, we're on that hamster wheel.

00:36:55.949 --> 00:37:20.670
There's a book I have, that we had to read in the coaching program I was in, that describes that, that you, you can get into a role with somebody, even as a practitioner, where you're just assuming the role as here we are, again, talking through the same things, and not a lot of change. Yeah, yeah. Is that what they call a dry drunk?

00:37:21.030 --> 00:37:25.139
I don't I don't know what that is either. I'm gonna Google it.

00:37:27.719 --> 00:37:55.409
I think that's what they mean, when they call that like, within the a system. A dry drunk is when you're avoiding the self examination and emotional labor, true recovery takes, it can leave a person who's entirely sober feeling worse than they did before they quit drinking altogether. For people who struggle with substance abuse, there's a big gap between sobriety and acting, actively recovering from addiction.

00:37:56.909 --> 00:37:58.500
Anyway, it's the same thing.

00:37:59.398 --> 00:38:04.619
Okay, I feel like I have something that that partners with a lot of what we've been talking about.

00:38:05.130 --> 00:38:07.679
Okay. That's exciting. Okay.

00:38:08.460 --> 00:38:11.639
Can you see this? Yes. Have you seen this before?

00:38:11.760 --> 00:38:13.380
Oh, wow. No.

00:38:13.648 --> 00:39:07.409
Okay. So I don't know who this person is. But I tried to look him up. And there's not really much I didn't do a deep dive, but Friar Lewis Gun Salman, no father, by Father Louis gun Salman. And this is an ad in a newspaper, and it says rules for being human. And there's 10 of them. And I thought it would be cool to go through them. Okay, what do you think? Nice. Let's do it. Okay, number one, you will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for your entire period here. Number two, you will learn lessons, you are really enrolled in a full time informal school called life. Each day you will have the opportunity to learn lessons, you may like the lessons or think them are irrelevant, stupid or too hard. It makes no difference. You will learn lessons. Oh, this is good.

00:39:09.119 --> 00:39:35.369
Number three, there are no mistakes only lessons you are made to grow. And growth is a process of trial and error experimentation. The pains of failed experiments are as much a part of the process as the ones that ultimately work. Number four, a lesson will be repeated until it is learned. The same lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it.

00:39:35.849 --> 00:39:37.199
I don't like that guy.

00:39:38.460 --> 00:39:55.650
When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson. Not good. Number five learning lessons does not end there is no part of the process of life that does not contain its lesson. If you are alive.

00:39:52.050 --> 00:39:55.650
There are lessons to be learned.

00:39:55.829 --> 00:40:30.659
Oh, I can't run number six. There is no better than here. Though the best thing always seems to be happening there. When you do get to there and it becomes a here, you will yearn for another there that will again look better than here. Dang, that's good. Always appreciate the hair that here No. Number seven others are merely mirrors of you see the sun reflects the moon reflects.

00:40:31.889 --> 00:40:46.050
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself. Okay, number eight.

00:40:38.760 --> 00:41:22.199
what you make of life is up to you. You have all the tools and the resources that you need in your mind, heart and body. What you do with them and what attitudes you form are up to you. The choice is yours. Nobody makes you. Nine, the answers to life's questions lie inside of you. All you need to do is take the time to look listen and understand. And number 10 in the most essential things of life, you will always get what you asked for. This happens because of your thoughts, choices and attitudes. You may not get what you wanted, but it will be what you asked for.

00:41:23.400 --> 00:41:34.380
Oh, damn, wow. Oh, that's a drop the mic on number 10. There, you may not get what you wanted.

00:41:30.420 --> 00:41:43.769
But it will be what you asked for. essentials of life, you will always get what you asked for. Wait, what does that mean?

00:41:40.380 --> 00:41:53.039
Guys, I need to fix my life in the most essential things of life. You will always get what you asked for. This happens because of your thoughts, your choices and your attitudes.

00:41:53.280 --> 00:42:01.170
It's basically thought work. I need a coach right now your choices and your attitudes.

00:41:57.210 --> 00:42:01.619
It's how we approach life, right?

00:42:01.650 --> 00:42:29.070
Yep, we need all need to go reread the secret. It's all the law of attraction stuff. All that stuff. I still have two checks made out to me one for$1.1 million. And another one for $654.41. And I don't think I have spoken those into existence enough because I still haven't I still haven't received that from the universe.

00:42:29.099 --> 00:42:37.590
Hmm. It's coming. I still come in. It's rushing in like a hurricane. That's what I was trying to think of.

00:42:40.440 --> 00:43:02.519
Well, you saying that just makes me think wrecking ball is Miley Cyrus, right? Yeah. Okay, like Miley Cyrus, his song flowers. I was listening to it. I was in the carwash yesterday. And you know how much we love car washes. We've had practically a whole episode on that. And then one of our listeners sent us videos and it was really cool.

00:42:58.349 --> 00:43:22.889
And anyway, so I was in the carwash yesterday, and I find the time in the carwash to be a time where I can turn my music up even a little bit louder than I do when I'm driving. And I sing to it like really loud Well, Miley Cyrus flowers came on and I don't know that I mean I know the song but I don't know like the lyrics quite well yet.

00:43:23.159 --> 00:43:27.869
And so I was mostly listening Have you listened to the lyrics of that song?

00:43:28.409 --> 00:43:56.400
I just know the chorus I don't know the lyrics I mean, it's basically like I can take care of me like I don't need you to take care of me and it's it's a really powerful like it's a lyrically and musically powerful song and I just have to give Miley Cyrus a shout out because I have not always been super nice to her but I mean maybe we should sing it for the folks out there I don't know it well enough yet.

00:43:57.840 --> 00:44:58.920
We will we will go kinda dream can be so we were i She kind of sounds like build a home in Washington cried I remember him okay, I got it said Robert me better in bed and I think that's the third chorus again, lemon bed.

00:45:02.909 --> 00:46:35.940
Master roses that you yeah no stop my name is Susie you special thanks to our producer Sarah reed to find out more go to cat and nurse News is a BP production