00:00:04.349 --> 00:00:05.873
Welcome to the Cat and Moose Podcast.
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I'm Kat and I'm Moose.
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This is a True Life Podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.
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Hey Kat, hey Moose, hey Sarah, hi, hey guys, hey Kat, your name on Zoom today says we need prayers.
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Yes, you know, we talk about all this like manifesting and asking for what you need and taking care of yourself and like all of that kind of stuff, and I'm putting it out to the universe in every way I know how, including my name on our Zoom call.
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Right now we need prayers, like it's not important that Kat Davis is Kat Davis right now, like we just need prayers.
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Yeah, we do.
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We need prayers.
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Here's I'm gonna say specifically what we need.
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We need prayer for clarity.
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We need prayers for money.
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Yes, please, we need prayers for just really good energy flowing our way.
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You know For things to work out.
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You know We've got pool problems and vehicles, no engines, things like that Poor us?
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Why did you remind me of that?
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It's not on your mind.
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We need prayers.
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We need prayers.
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We've covered that already.
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I've still got accounts.
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I'm locked out of.
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Kat has frozen pipes.
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Oh wow, not in her downtown, but in her pool?
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Yeah, not in my downtown, man, if those pipes were frozen.
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It's funny because.
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I'm watching the new season of True Detective with Jodi Foster, and part of the plot thus far is they have found all these dead bodies that were naked out in the frozen tundra of wherever they are in Alaska, and they're having to, in order to keep the integrity of the tissues for like testing and all that kind of stuff, they're having to thaw the bodies out in a hockey rink.
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That's 38 degrees, oh my gosh, that's so gross.
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So you talking about my pipes in my downtown folds, I immediately think of Jodi Foster.
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Oh, wow.
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Well, I'm sure you're not the first.
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Oh my gosh there's so much there.
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First of all, I'm jealous that you're watching that show, because I have tried to watch that show multiple times and every card that I have in my wallet, on my prime or wherever I buy I don't know Apple something I can't get into my Apple ID, none of my cards, all they're all canceled.
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So, literally every time I try and re-subscribe to Max it's like sorry, you're not going to watch this, you don't exist.
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If anyone wants to share their Max password with me, Max Passy password, but do you still have access to YouTube TV?
00:03:22.000 --> 00:03:23.284
I do.
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Okay well that's good.
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Well, does that have anything to do with Jodi?
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I don't know.
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I mean, I'm just thinking there could be a workaround, you know, like if you could subscribe to Max through YouTube.
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It's a good idea, that is a really good idea.
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I really want to see that show.
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It looks so good.
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It's fun to see Jodi Foster back.
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Yeah, and her wife just did a new short film that everyone's talking about, anyway, side note.
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I didn't know.
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Jodi Foster had a wife she does.
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Her name is Alex somebody, and she's a photographer Somebody.
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I'm going to put this documentary on a look.
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I know you know who that is.
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I don't know if I'm pronouncing it correctly.
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No, I'm not familiar.
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This is Jodi.
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Foster's wife?
00:04:17.959 --> 00:04:22.728
No, jodi, foster's wife made the short documentary about their life.
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Oh, okay, I was thinking this was Jodi Foster's wife and I was very confused.
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Okay, we always talk about how this podcast is the quirks of being human, and this is literally what we would do if the three of us were together Is have this exact conversation.
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And then we would look up Jodi Foster's wife, and then we would put it up on Kat's big screen at our house and we would all be like, okay, now, how does a look relate to this?
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And then, like that was what we would do.
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So now we're doing it with you.
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But yeah, this is her wife, alexandra Hettison, I think is her name Alex Hettison.
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Well, nido, so the two.
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There are two episodes out of True Detective featuring Jodi Foster, and I'm not going to tell you too much of what I think about it until you get to get into a Max account, even if it's my Max account.
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Okay, I might have to come over and watch it at your house.
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Yeah, just come over for like 55 minutes, it's fine, and then you can just leave, it's fine.
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So I feel like you know we've talked about how we need prayers and I also was going to say that you know, minimizing my own trauma does not help anybody else out there and at the same time, I recognize that the things that I'm asking for prayer for are things that are very hard and they could be a lot worse, like they could be a lot worse, and I'm so, so grateful.
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So, just like in last week's episode, I'm trying to just have a gratitude without like glossing over that things are challenging in life right now life and work and and all of that and so I want to talk about how I have been unjustly wronged.
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Oh, oh, okay, and I am angry.
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Okay, I would love to hear all of this.
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Yeah, I immediately Felt guilty, like it was me.
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Oh no, oh good, okay, I just that was very selfish to me, but I needed to roll myself out, so my, so my nervous system could be here for this story, okay good, so good job in self-regulating like that's really awesome.
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I went to see you guys's doctor this week and she acknowledged that I'm a person who knows how to self-regulate, and that made me feel like really good, oh, that's awesome.
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So give me more stress, test me no, please, no, please don't, yeah, please don't.
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I am very angry because I, for several years now, have really enjoyed veggie chips and veggie fries.
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I thought you were gonna say veggie tails.
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I am so mad at Bob the tomato right now, larry the cucumber.
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Okay, so veggie chips and veggie straws.
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You said yes, yes, you know the delicious love that you can get at all the places, or whatever.
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Yeah well, for the past several years, I have been completely in ingestly bamboozled by believing that these chips are actually vegetables.
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Oh no, oh no.
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What are they?
00:07:43.440 --> 00:07:45.521
They're potato chips.
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They just marketed potato chip.
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They put some dye in it and then made them a different.
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No, it's, it's a, it's a lie, it is a from a pit of hell.
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It is a marketing Falsification of untruth.
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It is not okay.
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Veggie chips are potato chips.
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They have just as many, even maybe a little bit more carbs than maybe your other favorite bag of potato chips.
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And the only thing, the only thing that they use the vegetables for, is the flavor and the color they use.
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For color, they use celery for.
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I'm so mad, I know, I get it, it's maddening.
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Apple chips Are they apples?
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I think so.
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They're like dehydrated, yeah, but they're probably just sugar chips.
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Hmm, probably.
00:08:45.547 --> 00:08:47.774
I just looked up veggie chips.
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That's all I typed in Google and, and this is the first thing that came up they have very small amounts of spinach or tomato paste, but there's still a deep fried food and they're not going to contribute to your daily vegetable intake in a way that supports overall health is a lie, mean, mean lie, especially because, like they're sold at all the like hoity-toity Places like foods and fresh
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market, yeah all of that and it's just like it is an absolute lie.
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It is a lie.
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I'm sorry, I am too.
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Thank you.
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In the bucket of conflict resolution, which is one of my classes that I'm taking this semester, I read the following sentence, and since we're a vocabulary podcast, I wanted to see if you'd heard this word before.
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Okay, great and personal relationships.
00:09:45.087 --> 00:09:55.980
Unresolved conflict leads to drifting away from one another and sometimes Jetsonning the relationship entirely.
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00:09:59.897 --> 00:10:01.360
Jettisoning what?
00:10:02.081 --> 00:10:03.405
yeah, jettisoning.
00:10:03.405 --> 00:10:09.979
Yeah, spell it Okay J E T T I S O N I N G.
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Jettisoning, jettisoning jettisoning.
00:10:13.886 --> 00:10:14.928
And what does it mean?
00:10:16.576 --> 00:10:21.764
It means To throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship.
00:10:21.764 --> 00:10:22.847
00:10:23.917 --> 00:10:26.505
I had no idea that that's what that meant.
00:10:27.115 --> 00:10:28.879
Okay, so let me read the sentence again.
00:10:28.879 --> 00:10:31.202
And personal relationships?
00:10:31.202 --> 00:10:40.126
Unresolved conflict leads to drifting away from one another and sometimes Throwing or dropping something from an aircraft or ship entirely.
00:10:40.856 --> 00:10:44.150
So if I said we're gonna jettison our relationship.
00:10:44.572 --> 00:10:48.866
Yeah, it's, I mean it's it's not just a breaking up.
00:10:48.866 --> 00:10:52.125
It means I've dropped you out of an airplane.
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Yeah, I've dropped and been dropped.
00:11:02.735 --> 00:11:02.917
00:11:02.976 --> 00:11:08.625
I've been jettisoning and we Jumped out of airplanes together the jettison.
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Everyone to name, tell a short, brief description of a relationship of someone who left you Just brief, like a few sentences, like this is what happened.
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It's jarring.
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It is John, I'll go first.
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Let's go to sitting about.
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I will jettison you.
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This would be the, the short version.
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This was in high school.
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The person who taught me about who Jesus was went to college, heard a rumor that I was telling everyone that she was pregnant without being married and so never spoke to me again.
00:11:59.355 --> 00:12:02.958
Oh, did you do that?
00:12:02.958 --> 00:12:08.029
No, I did not do that Two years later I finally asked her sister.
00:12:08.029 --> 00:12:10.190
I was like what in the world happened with that?
00:12:10.190 --> 00:12:17.243
And she's like she heard that you were telling people she was pregnant, which she was my best friend, so why would I do that?
00:12:17.323 --> 00:12:17.969
It's crazy.
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So it dropped me for life.
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She jettisoned you Based on a complete lie.
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Yes, it's complete.
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And so did you just take it.
00:12:29.331 --> 00:12:30.975
No, I was heartbroken.
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She was a year ahead of me in school, so my senior year she was at school already in Lexington at UK, which was super cool, and so I would even go down to Lexington on the weekends to hang out with the college people.
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But no, she just wouldn't take my calls anymore.
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It was horrible, it's really terrible, but you know what?
00:12:52.418 --> 00:12:56.456
I will say this about that person and one more recent who everyone knows.
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But I think that sometimes those doors are closed so we don't keep going down that same path.
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If I had gone down that path with her as my friend, I would have been like a missionary in Rwanda and I'm not kidding and not out of my own soul's calling.
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But because this person had so much influence over me, I would have just been like oh, you want me to go to Bible school?
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Ok, ok, bye, I'm going to Bible school.
00:13:26.297 --> 00:13:35.860
And then I'm serious, I would be miserable in a cave in Sri Lanka with the Bible, trying to get the locals to give Jesus a chance.
00:13:37.711 --> 00:13:42.256
Simply amazing and I love that you clarified that.
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That as a calling is not wrong or bad.
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It is not your soul's calling.
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Right, it is not my soul's calling and so the universe found a way to jettison you out of that relationship in order to protect you from a life and a calling that was not meant for you.
00:14:03.039 --> 00:14:03.480
00:14:03.480 --> 00:14:09.957
However, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure I'm in my calling.
00:14:09.957 --> 00:14:13.635
Yes, yeah, who did you follow into this?
00:14:13.797 --> 00:14:13.957
00:14:14.330 --> 00:14:15.596
Yeah, that's a good question.
00:14:15.596 --> 00:14:18.458
I might need to jettison someone else out of my life.
00:14:18.458 --> 00:14:20.115
Who am I following?
00:14:20.450 --> 00:14:24.395
Well, I'm just getting really nervous because we're all three really close friends.
00:14:24.529 --> 00:14:27.398
And if we start, you guys, if we start searing in on.
00:14:27.518 --> 00:14:30.395
hmm, I went first of all.
00:14:32.909 --> 00:14:35.479
First of all, I'm not following you guys.
00:14:35.479 --> 00:14:40.059
That's not in a bad way, but secondly, I would never do that live on a podcast.
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Thirdly, I like you guys and you seem to be rubbing off on me in a very good way, oh good.
00:14:46.260 --> 00:14:46.520
00:14:46.520 --> 00:14:47.520
I'm glad that we're.
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I'm glad that we're bringing the higher vibrations.
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To quote you from last week All right, you guys give me your breakup stories.
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I'm still curious where Sarah is going to go with this, because she's our boundary setter when it comes to these vulnerable questions.
00:15:04.519 --> 00:15:06.456
So, sarah, how are you going to respond to this?
00:15:06.456 --> 00:15:08.115
I'm following you now.
00:15:08.529 --> 00:15:25.293
I was going to talk about my divorce, but I'm going to go with something less heavy, ok, and I'm going to go with Youth Pastor, my first Youth Pastor, ok, her name was I loved her, of course it was Freaking, loved her.
00:15:25.690 --> 00:15:47.868
She was the first person that, like I, didn't grow up in church, and so when I went to church, she was like one of the first people I met there that was like a little older than me and cool and like cared about me and saw me and like I loved it and I fell in love with all of it, right, yeah, that's why I started going to church.
00:15:47.868 --> 00:15:50.232
So, hey, you were, you're right.
00:15:50.232 --> 00:15:54.486
It does just kind of lead you on down the path, doesn't it, I know?
00:15:54.567 --> 00:15:58.815
And then look next thing you know you're married and well, well, well, well.
00:15:58.875 --> 00:16:06.917
So I was like a good housewife and I loved I mean, I loved her and then she got married and moved to Chico.
00:16:08.148 --> 00:16:10.625
I think I'm going to say China, and then I'd be like was she a missionary?
00:16:11.225 --> 00:16:16.035
She just did a normal life thing, got married and moved away and then I was like, wait, wait, wait.
00:16:16.035 --> 00:16:16.736
What about me?
00:16:17.238 --> 00:16:20.595
Yeah, Did she go to the University of Kentucky at Lexington.
00:16:20.595 --> 00:16:26.378
We both had a best friend that bailed the same one.
00:16:27.347 --> 00:16:31.010
Oh f**k, my friend's name was f*****.
00:16:34.067 --> 00:16:35.491
Kat, what's your story?
00:16:35.491 --> 00:16:44.480
Well, I'm sitting here and this happened to me last week, so much so that you guys were so kind and generous to extend grace to me.
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I felt like the line, the line of discussion that we were in.
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It was really hard for me, like it was, and I even said like I didn't know today was going to be a therapy session.
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I was kind of being funny, but I was also kind of going like, oh, this is making me really look deep into myself and, as you guys have been telling your stories, I'm thinking of the hurts in my life from being jettisoned by people and I'm over here almost in tears.
00:17:12.945 --> 00:17:16.482
Oh no, I gotta tell you I was like go ahead, go ahead.
00:17:17.067 --> 00:17:19.625
Being jettisoned really hurt.
00:17:20.267 --> 00:17:21.070
It's awful.
00:17:21.070 --> 00:17:24.644
That's why I was like this is jarring, because there's some mud.
00:17:24.644 --> 00:17:26.269
That was a light one I shared.
00:17:26.269 --> 00:17:28.654
I've had some devastating ones, holy shit.
00:17:29.746 --> 00:17:34.868
And all I can think of is the devastating ones, and so I don't know that.
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Here's what I will share is and this is a more recent in my adult life jettisoning experience is that a client and I completely misunderstood one another.
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They thought that we were breaking up for one reason and I thought that we were breaking up for another reason.
00:17:57.387 --> 00:17:57.869
Oh no.
00:17:57.869 --> 00:18:09.090
And so it left, really like and the client even said to me like this went way smoother than I anticipated, and I was like gosh me too.
00:18:09.090 --> 00:18:23.339
And so, like we left each other's you know presence and a couple of weeks later something happened and we realized that we were not at all on the same page.
00:18:23.339 --> 00:18:27.455
And I mean, I got jettisoned so bad yeah.
00:18:27.455 --> 00:18:30.809
Like it was just like, oh my God.
00:18:30.809 --> 00:18:40.557
That's not good, that's not good, that's no fun.
00:18:41.887 --> 00:18:48.664
To give you an example of the word in a sentence, six aircraft jettisoned their loads in the sea.
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Their loads, their loads we're just a load to these people.
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Well, can I kind of approach things from a bodywork standpoint real quick, please, sure, okay.
00:19:01.297 --> 00:19:14.644
So if you can take a quick and we're not going to do a whole like meditation thing because we're, we're, we're not timeframe today, because I'm about to get an airplane and jettison myself, I hope it's not Alaska Airlines.
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The door plug comes.
00:19:19.067 --> 00:19:40.201
No, it is not Alaska Airlines at Southwest, and I feel pretty good about that, and I'm curious if you check in with yourself and your body, is there anything that exists, whether it is physical, spiritual or emotional, that needs you to jettison it out?
00:19:41.332 --> 00:19:45.673
Yeah, there's some energy.
00:19:45.673 --> 00:19:49.653
Yeah, that needs to get the blank out.
00:19:49.973 --> 00:19:57.459
Yeah, do you have a sense of, of a way to manifest that, for that energy to?
00:19:58.267 --> 00:20:03.569
It feels like it's in my chest and it goes out like wings, so I'm going to flap it.
00:20:03.851 --> 00:20:04.432
Let's flap.
00:20:04.432 --> 00:20:05.516
Can we flap with you?
00:20:05.516 --> 00:20:07.190
Come on, sarah flap.
00:20:07.811 --> 00:20:08.273
Get out.
00:20:08.374 --> 00:20:11.625
I'm flapping too, I'm flapping too, I'm flying.
00:20:11.986 --> 00:20:13.131
Oh my gosh, I'm flying.
00:20:13.131 --> 00:20:16.890
You guys, cap, come back down.
00:20:18.690 --> 00:20:20.538
Oh, I'm going to drop back into my chair.
00:20:20.538 --> 00:20:21.262
Oh, my God, I'm exhausted.
00:20:21.262 --> 00:20:25.453
My whoop, my wrist, is going to say I actually worked out.
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Oh, yeah, oh yeah.
00:20:26.636 --> 00:20:29.771
We really got our strain up on that one Way to go.
00:20:29.771 --> 00:20:30.974
Guys, dang, did you get some?
00:20:31.035 --> 00:20:31.736
energy yeah.
00:20:36.519 --> 00:20:37.644
Yeah, that felt good.
00:20:38.748 --> 00:20:42.236
Do you feel like the energy has to come out of an orifice, orifice?
00:20:43.412 --> 00:20:44.564
That's a fair question.
00:20:44.564 --> 00:20:46.604
It's very fair.
00:20:47.107 --> 00:20:49.483
In order to fully leave, like fully evacuate.
00:20:50.630 --> 00:20:53.644
Yeah, like sometimes I'm like, do I need to toot this out?
00:20:54.328 --> 00:20:55.577
Do I need to vomit it out?
00:20:56.326 --> 00:20:57.009
Or can it just?
00:20:57.009 --> 00:21:00.929
Come out of my pores Right Like a giant blackhead.