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Bombré and The Eight-Armed Goddess

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Kat and Moose lament COVID-19 emails from everyone. Instacart ( is a life saver, for some.  Should tickets to concerts and festivals be refunded? The Dalai Lama ( and Brene Brown ( get roped into a dinner party, and a fight breaks out at the end over Mother Teresa ( .

Everyone looks like the mosquito man ( . Kat talks about how DDT caused American Bald Eagles to almost become extinct ( . What if we all end up looking like Durga ( ? It’s the story of evolution.

Use Instacart. If you use our affiliate link ( , we stay in business. C’mon, we all need groceries.

Kat discusses QiGong ( and group therapy ( . Moose talks about what she’s missing ( during this time. Kat has 24 pair ( of glasses.

Should ticketing companies be refunding tickets ( for postponed events? Who is Biden going to choose as his running mate ( ? Interesting facts about the Liberty Bell ( , and we reminisce faxing (!SSL!/WebHelp/mergedProjects/FAX/FAX_CreatingFaxDistributionLists.htm) .

Our friend Chris quotes Ram Daas ( in reference to the Kat and Moose Podcast. We’d love to hear from you ( . Who ( is Moose having dinner with? A fight breaks out as we discuss nuns.

If you’re going to use Instacart anyway, please sign up using our affiliate link! (

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